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May 22, 2019

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Staff member who is recognized by peers as an outstanding member of the institution, within the non-faculty staff at C of O. The Staff Organization Member of the Year Award is given to a staff member who is recognized by peers as an outstanding member of the institution, within the non-faculty staff of the College.

POINT LOOKOUT, MO— Annette Sain, director of the Ralph Foster Museum on the College of the Ozarks campus, received the Staff Organization Member of the Year Award at the 2019 staff luncheon on May 14.

Sain has served 30 years at the College and the museum. She attended The School of the Ozarks in 1982-86, and the museum was her work station as a student during her four years at the institution. After graduation, she completed a 12-week summer internship at the museum, supervising the student workers. In 1987, she was hired full-time to work at the museum. Because of her career in the museum industry, Sain has a master’s degree in liberal studies with a museum emphasis. She has had opportunities to travel to other cities and visit museums.

“Working with the students has been the best experience,” Sain said. “It has been challenging, encouraging, and sometimes frustrating. To be able to influence the students in some small way to perhaps entertain the idea of becoming a museum professional is the most rewarding.”

Sain stated that much has changed on the campus since she was a student.

“There are new business and construction buildings, new dorms and classrooms as well as the remodeled Keeter Center,” Sain said.

The Staff Organization Member of the Year Award is given to a staff member who is recognized by peers as an outstanding member of the institution, within the non-faculty staff of the College. Nominations are solicited from the College’s staff membership, with the final selection made by the College’s staff leadership. The award also came with a $100 gift card.

About College of the Ozarks

College of the Ozarks is a private, Christian, liberal arts college, located in Point Lookout, Missouri, on a 1,000-acre campus. Christian values, hard work, and financial responsibility comprise the fundamental building blocks of the “Hard Work U.” experience. The College earns numerous accolades yearly, including No. 1 Most Innovative School in the Midwest by U.S. News & World Report for 2019 and No. 1 Best Bang for the Buck by Washington Monthly. To achieve its vision, the College pursues academic, vocational, Christian, patriotic, and cultural goals. These goals are mirrored in School of the Ozarks, a laboratory school that completes the K-college model.

The Keeter Center — the College’s award winning lodge, restaurant, and conference facility — was ranked a Top Small Hotel in the U.S. by TripAdvisor for 2019. It features historic lodging, fine dining, and meeting rooms. With more than 350 student workers, it is the largest workstation on campus. Follow College of the Ozarks at www.facebook.com/collegeoftheozarks or on Twitter @CofOHardWorkU.


05.22.19 – Abigail Wiley

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