Student working in the Registrar's office
Student working in the Registrar's office

Registrar's Office



The Registrar's Office maintains student records and assists with a variety of tasks such as class registration, transcript requests, enrollment verification, and graduation. If you do not find your answer at one of the links below, please contact us at or (417) 690-3223.




Students who graduate or withdraw from the College have access to their student record through Campusweb. However, access reverts to the student's initial Campusweb password used during the admissions process. This conversion happens in July for graduates and within a few days after the withdrawal is processed for students leaving the College. Note: Only students who attended in 2005 or after have access to Campusweb.

If a student does not remember his or her original password, they may enter their student ID number as the username for Campusweb and then click "I forgot my password". This will then ask the student to enter their personal email address on file with the College. Once the correct email address is entered a message will be sent to that email address with a Campusweb password reset link.    

If a former student needs to update their personal email address on file with the College they may through written request. The request should include: student ID number, current legal name, legal name while attending C of O (if different), date of birth, years of attendance, phone number, new email address, date, and signature.  We need the signature to be able to update the email address on file with the College. Please, scan and email the written request to  

If a former student does not know their student ID number they may order an official transcript through the National Student Clearinghouse. The transcript will include their student ID number in the header. 



The College offers a variety of proficiency test options.

  • Composition Proficiency Test
  • Computer Information Science Proficiency Test
  • Swimming Proficiency Test
  • Proficiency Examination - Any department, upon application by the student, may consider the awarding of credit by means of proficiency examination in any course listed in the catalog in which the student is not enrolled, provided he or she has not completed a more advanced course in that field at the College. Credits awarded through proficiency examination are limited to Pass/Fail grades. Departments wishing to award credit use the Proficiency Exam Credit form located in Campus Portal. 



All students at C of O must satisfy the General Education (GE) requirements in English and mathematics. Additionally, some majors require higher level mathematics courses. The College uses ACT, SAT, or pre-requisite coursework to place students into the appropriate level of English and mathematics courses.

English Placement

CourseACT English Min. ScoreACT English Max. ScoreSAT ERW Min. ScoreSAT ERW Max. ScoreCLT Grammar/Writing Min. ScoreCLT Grammar/Writing Max. Score  Pre-requisite Course
ENG 013 Composition Skills (developmental*)None22None560None26None
ENG 104 College Composition with Support20225305602526None
ENG 103 College Composition23None570None27NoneMin. Grade of C- in ENG 013

Mathematics Placement

CourseACT Math Minimum ScoreSAT Math Minimum ScoreCLT Math Minimum ScorePre-requisite Course
MAT 013 Fundamental Mathematics Concepts (developmental*)NoneNoneNone 
MAT 0135 Fundamental Math Concepts w/ Support (developmental*)16 or below450 or below12 or below 
MAT 123 Math Inquiry2254020MAT 013, C- or above
MAT 133 College Algebra2254020MAT 013, C- or above
MAT 1335 College Algebra w/ Support1951018MAT 013
MAT 143 Statistics2254020MAT 013, C- or above
MAT 135 Discrete Math2559022MAT 133 or 1335, C- or above
MAT 153 Trigonometry2559022MAT 133 or 1335, C- or above
MAT 173 Applied Calculus2560023MAT 133 or 1335, C- or above
MAT 175 Calculus I2764026MAT 135 or MAT 153, C- or above

* Developmental courses will not fulfill general education (GE) requirements.



College of the Ozarks serves as the School of Record for Living and Learning International. This relationship affords Living and Learning International the academic oversight necessary for its initiatives, while enjoying ongoing involvement, assessment, evaluation, and accountability by College of the Ozarks.

Living and Learning International students who choose to request college credit will have appropriate credits transcribed to an official College of the Ozarks transcript. College of the Ozarks is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and credit is widely accepted by other institutions. Additionally, students may choose to have College of the Ozarks report them as full-time, non-degree seeking students in order to show continuous college enrollment for student loan deferment, insurance, and enrollment verification purposes. This is useful if the student does not have a home institution in the United States reporting them as enrolled during their semester studying with Living and Learning International. Non-degree seeking Living and Learning International students are not eligible for financial aid through College of the Ozarks and do not pay tuition or fees to College of the Ozarks for this service. 

Before or Early in the Semester

  • Student: Submits the College of the Ozarks Credit Request form
  • Living and Learning: Sends student information electronically to the C of O Registrar's Office at
    • List of courses including course number, course title, and credit hours
    • Beginning and end dates of the semester
  • C of O: Begins the transcription process and reports the students as attending (if necessary)

End of the Semester

  • Living and Learning: Sends final grades to the C of O Registrar's Office at along with the Free Transcript Request completed by the student
  • C of O: Transcripts final grades, sends free transcript, and notifies the student when the process is complete
  • Student: May request additional official transcripts by mail or electronically through the C of O Transcript Request 

Living and Learning C of O Course Equivalencies

Course NumberCourse TitleC of O Course Equivalency
LLI 100BBiology 100: Biological Principles and Lab (4 credits)BIO 1004
LLI 100COCommunity Development 100 (1-3 credits)Lower Division Elective
LLI 100HUExploring the Art of Ecuador (3credits)ART 103
LLI 101SSpanish 101: Elementary Spanish I (4 credits)SPA 143
LLI 102SSpanish 102: Elementary Spanish II (4 credits)SPA 153
LLI 110CHOld Testament SurveyBTS 273
LLI 201PHThe History of Western Thought (3 credits)Lower Division Elective
LLI 201SSpanish 201: Intermediate Spanish I (4 credits)SPA 203
LLI 203HUExploring the Art of Italy (3 credits)ART 103
LLI 212HUCultural Understanding (4 credits)Lower Division Elective
LLI 214HIChurch History (3 credits)HTE 333
LLI 230EEnglish 230: Literature in Context (3 credits)ENG 163
LLI 250CHThe Apostle Paul: His Life & TheologyLower Division Elective
LLI 250ECEcuador 250: History, Art, and Culture (1-3 credits)Lower Division Elective
LLI 250SSpanish 250: Readings and Writings: Intermediate to Advanced Grammar (3 credits)SPA 213
LLI 300CICC 300: Intercultural Communication (3 credits)SPC 303
LLI 300THFaith and Food in Italy: Theology of Food  (3 Credits)Upper Division Elective
LLI 301BUInternational Business (3 credits)BUS 353
LLI 302PHEthics (3 credits)PHI 303
LLI 310COIntroduction to Public Health and Epidemiology (3 credits)Upper Division Elective
LLI 310SSpanish 310: Conversation and Advanced Grammar (3 credits)SPA 373
LLI 315COGlobal Population Health (3 credits)Upper Division Elective
LLI 320CHChristian Spiritual Formation & Transformation 320 (3 credits)BTS 373
LLI 320SSpanish 320: Advanced Grammar and Composition (3 credits)SPA 353
LLI 330SVoces del Ecuador: Select Topics in Ecuadorian Perspectives (3 credits)Upper Division Elective
LLI 340CHWorldview & Global Religions 340 (3 credits)BTS 4003
LLI 350CHChristianity in Social Justice (3 credits) Upper Division Elective
LLI 350ECEcuador 350: History, Art & Culture (3 credits)Upper Division Elective
LLI 351CHThe Apostle Paul: His Life and Theology (3 credits)Upper Division Elective
LLI 360COSocial Entrepreneurship & LeadershipUpper Division Elective
LLI 400COIntegrating Faith in Community Development 400Upper Division Elective
LLI 400IInternship 400 (1-6 credits)INT 49V
LLI 400SSpanish 400: Vision General de Literatura y Cultura Latinoamericana (3 credits)SPA 393
LLI 450SWInternational Field Seminar I & II Upper Division ElectiveUpper Division Elective



New students complete the New Student Scheduling Survey online through the Accepted tab on CampusWeb. The Office of the Registrar staff uses this information to assign each student a class schedule for the first semester. Students are placed in appropriate entry-level courses based on their chosen major along with general education courses required for all students. During the survey students also indicate if they wish to participate in vocal or instrumental performance groups.

Placement in English Composition and Mathematics is based on ACT subscores. Students need a minimum ACT English score of 23 to place into college-level English Composition. Students scoring below the minimum will begin in Composition Skills. Students need a minimum ACT Mathematics score of 22 to place into college-level mathematics (College Algebra or major specific equivalent). Students scoring below a 22 will begin in Intermediate Algebra.

It is very important for students to submit official transcripts from all colleges previously attended, making sure to include colleges attended through high school dual credit. It is especially necessary for students starting classes in the spring to send a transcript showing in-progress classes during the fall semester and then send a second official copy once final grades have been received. The Office of the Registrar Office staff will look at completed credits as well as in-progress credits when building class schedules. Visit Transferring Credits for more information.

Transfer students who have earned 30 hours or more may be asked to speak with a representative from their chosen major prior to registration for their first semester at C of O. This meeting helps to ensure proper placement in classes and provides an opportunity to discuss a timeline for graduation.

New student class schedules are typically available:

  • Fall Semester Start - by the end of July
  • Spring Semester Start - by the end of December

Once the Office of the Registrar has built a class schedule for the student, it will be visible in the Student tab of Campusweb. Students should review their schedules to ensure:

  • They are not repeating classes they have taken or are taking at another college
  • The classes reflect their chosen major

Remember class schedules can change. It is a good idea for students to check their schedule a second time just prior to the start of classes to look for class changes including time and room adjustments.

New students may request schedule changes through the Office of the Registrar by sending an email from their C of O email address to or by stopping by the Office of the Registrar located in the McDonald Administration Building. Students are encouraged to have their class schedule finalized by the published last day of online registration. However, registration does continue through the first week of classes with a $10 processing fee per transaction. 



An Enrollment Verification provides documentation of enrollment at College of the Ozarks. The most common requests are for scholarships and insurance companies.

During the Semester: On the first day of class, College of the Ozarks enrollment is submitted to the National Student Clearinghouse. Shortly after, students may print enrollment verification documentation through Campusweb on the Student tab by using the Enrollment/Good Student Certificate link.

Prior to the First Day of Class or for Non-Directory Information: Some special circumstances require enrollment verification prior to the start of classes or non-directory information is required as part of the enrollment verification such as anticipated graduation date, academic status or class schedule. In these situations, students may use the Enrollment Verification form in Campus Portal. 


How to Order an Official Transcript

Transcripts may be ordered in the following ways:

  1. ONLINE at the National Student Clearinghouse using a credit card. Base cost is $5.10 per transcript with a $2.90 surcharge per recipient address (not per transcript). Current students and alumni with Campusweb access may request transcripts through the National Student Clearinghouse from the Student section of Campusweb.
  2. IN PERSON at the Office of the Registrar. Transcripts printed on demand via in-person requests are $15 each.  Please, pay at the Cashier’s office then bring the receipt of payment to the Registrar’s office.

Questions regarding transcripts should be directed to or call 417-690-3223.

NOTE: If your legal name has changed and you would like it to appear on your transcript, please submit a name change form with documentation prior to submission of your transcript order.


** As part of our patriotic mission, College of the Ozarks is proud to have veterans and veteran's dependents as part of the student body.

College of the Ozarks is approved for certification of students eligible to receive educational assistance (GI Bill®) from the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA). All students who receive benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs are advised by the College of the Ozarks Registrar’s Office.

Registrar’s Office               
Location: McDonald Administration Building               
Mailing Address: PO Box 17, Point Lookout, MO 65726               
Phone: 417-690-3223               
Fax: 417-337-7220               

The information stated here is based on existing rules and regulations of the Department of Veterans Affairs and should not be construed as being absolute. New rules and regulations are being released by the DVA continually and may supersede the information stated here. You will be notified of changes that will affect your benefits (GI Bill).

Links to U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Comparison Tool

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Home Page   

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Education Service Home Page   

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs - Veterans Benefits Administration

Links to Service Branch Homepage

U.S. Army           
Air National Guard           
U.S. Air Force           
Air Force Reserve           
U.S. Navy           
Coast Guard           
Army National Guard           
U.S. Marines

Chapter Benefits

 Link to Compare Chapter Benefits -

Veteran Responsibilities

In order to comply with laws governing the GI Bill, it is your responsibility as a student to notify the Registrar of your status at the College which includes: when you add or drop a course, change your major, change your address, withdraw from the College, or need tutorial assistance.

  • The DVA will not pay for the repeat of satisfactory completed courses except under special circumstances.
  • If you do not make satisfactory academic progress and are suspended from the College, your GI Bill benefits cannot be resumed until you have met the College requirements for reinstatement.
  • Your benefits may be terminated if you do not comply with the regulations stated above.

Application Process for GI Bill Benefits

  1. Apply for admission to the College
  2. Register for classes (enrolling in classes)
  3. Contact the Registrar's Office
  4. Process required paperwork for GI Bill

First Time Students:

Information for how to apply for VA education benefits -


  • Application for Educational Assistance (DVA Form 22-1990)
  • Certified copy of DD-214 Discharge Document (This form is provided to you by your military branch at completion of enlistment.)

Members of the Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve/National Guard

  • Application for Educational Assistance (DVA Form 22-1990)
  • Copy of Notice of Basic Eligibility Form #2384 (This form is provided to you by your unit.) 

Dependents or Spouse of 100% Disabled or Deceased Veterans (Service Connected)

  • Application for Educational Assistance (DVA Form 22-5490)

Transfer of Entitlement Students

  • Application for Educational Assistance (DVA Form 22-1990e)

Transfer Students:

When your admission to C of O is complete, please contact the Registrar's Office for an appointment in order to complete the process for continuing your GI Bill.

Current Students:

  • Student Verification of Enrollment       
    Chapter 30, Chapter 33, and Chapter 1606 students must verify their enrollment monthly by Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE) or by Interactive Voice Response (IVR). The preferred method is WAVE, which includes features not in IVR.       

    WAVE allows students to verify their enrollment on the Internet at the Education Service website ( Students must be currently enrolled in an approved educational program and must have a current benefit award to use WAVE.      

    IVR allows students to "phone in" their monthly verifications. The number is 1-877-823-2378.       

    NOTE: If you are a new student, it is important to allow enough time for the enrollment to be processed. If you attempt to verify enrollment before it is processed, you may receive a system generated message that VA has no record of the enrollment. During peak enrollment periods allow eight weeks for the processing of enrollments.
  • Address Change     
    Address changes made in the Registrar's Office will not change your address with the Veteran's Administration. To change your address with Veteran's Administration please call 1-888-442-4551.
  • Direct Deposit     
    To sign up or change direct deposit information, please call 1-877-838-2778.
  • Request a Military Transcript    
    To request a transcript for military education and job experience:

For more information contact:

Karen Back

College of the Ozarks

PO Box 17

Point Lookout, MO 65726

Phone: (417) 690-3223


** GI Bill is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at