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March 26, 2025

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School of the Ozarks students meet with Taney County Representative Brian Seitz and Stone County Representative Burt Whaley. School of the Ozarks students meet with Taney County Representative Brian Seitz and Stone County Representative Burt Whaley.

POINT LOOKOUT, MO. — On Feb. 27, School of the Ozarks seventh graders took their annual trip to Jefferson City, Missouri, to meet with government officials and tour the Capitol building. This trip helps students gain a better understanding of government while experiencing the inner workings of our Missouri House of Representatives.

Students had an opportunity to sit in the gallery and enjoy the representatives’ discussion and the process of voting on bills. Additionally, they were able to meet with Taney County Representative Brian Seitz and Stone County Representative Burt Whaley. 

Seitz took them to the upper dome of the Capitol building which overlooks the Missouri River and the capital city. Additionally, Seitz stayed and visited with the students as they were led on a tour through the Capitol building.

“It is a blessing to cooperate with our Taney County Representative, Mr. Brian Seitz, while planning and executing this trip,” said Jennifer Carey, assistant professor at School of the Ozarks. “Representative Seitz welcomes our students each year, makes them feel at home in their state capitol building, and treats them with kindness and respect. He makes time for the kids, shares what it is like to be a representative in the state of Missouri, and takes them on a tour throughout the building, including his own office.”

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Taney County Representative Brian Seitz visits with the students as they are led on a tour through the Capitol building. Taney County Representative Brian Seitz visits with the students as they are led on a tour through the Capitol building.

Burt Whaley met the seventh graders outside the gallery, introduced himself, explained how he represents his constituents, and answered the students' questions about Missouri government. 

Will Burney, a School of the Ozarks 2023 graduate currently interning with the Missouri Senate, met with the students at the Capitol and shared the impact the Jefferson City trip had on him as a School of the Ozarks seventh grader. 

"It was this trip that got me interested in government service,” Burney said. “I'm here today serving as a Senate intern because of what I learned on this trip."

“This trip supports our academic, cultural, patriotic, vocational, and Christian pillars,” Carey said. “It shows students their government in action and encourages them to get involved in serving others. As a teacher, I have led students on trips to our Missouri State Capitol for 20 years. The hospitality of Representative Seitz is unlike any I have experienced. He truly loves his constituents, and he supports College of the Ozarks and  School of the Ozarks because he shares the same mission and vision for our students. He recognizes the importance of providing a Christ-centered education for the next generation. We are blessed to get to spend time in such a beautiful building learning about our culture in a welcoming environment. It is my hope that students will remember the service of their representatives and senators, the beauty of the architecture, and the fellowship they shared on this trip. These experiences provide students with fond memories and inspiration for future leadership and bravery to stand up for ‘truth, goodness, and the American way.’”