Mike Rowe spoke as the keynote speaker for the Spring Work Ethic Forum at College of the Ozarks. Digital rebroadcast is available with registration.
POINT LOOKOUT, MO. — College of the Ozarks is now broadcasting the Work Ethic Forum with Mike Rowe, executive producer and host, bestselling author, podcaster, and CEO of mikeroweWORKS Foundation. The digital, on-demand format will be available for the next two weeks from April 17-May 1. The Work Ethic Forum was originally held on March 28.
Access to the rebroadcasting of the event is available by registering online at Mike Rowe - Stream Registration (cofo.edu).
Thousands of registered guests from across the nation, along with students, staff, and faculty, attended the Work Ethic Forum in The Howell W. Keeter Athletic Complex on the College’s campus. Due to the overwhelming amount of interest and feedback received, the event is now available online for a limited time.
The purpose of the Forum was to hear from Mike Rowe in a student-led question and answer session regarding the importance and relevance of work.