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April 14, 2022

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woman speaking to students Dr. Alveda King, chair of the Center for the America Dream, addresses students at School of the Ozarks laboratory school.

Dr. Alveda King Speaks to Students

College of the Ozarks hosted Dr. Alveda King, chair, Center for the American Dream, America First Policy Institute, and Jack Brewer, chair, Center for Opportunity Now and vice-chair, Center for 1776, America First Policy Institute, for a convocation on April 12, 2022. College of the Ozarks President Jerry C. Davis interviewed King and Brewer on a variety of issues.

King is the daughter of the late civil rights activist Reverend A.D. King and his wife, Naomi Barber King. King grew up during the Civil Rights Movement led by her uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and has since held roles as a pro-life activist, author, and former state representative.  

King has visited the College frequently in the past two years, sharing insight with students of both College of the Ozarks and School of the Ozarks.

"When I come to College of the Ozarks, it gives me a new lease on life, and it can go across America and around the world," King said.

Brewer is a Congressional Commission appointee, author of a college curriculum tailored for former athletes and prisoners, and a retired NFL player. A first-time speaker at College of the Ozarks, Brewer's athletic, political, and educational journey has given him a unique perspective on society, which he shared with students throughout his time on campus.

King and Brewer spent the day immersed in the community of College of the Ozarks, speaking with School of the Ozarks students, being interviewed by student media representatives, and even milking a cow at the campus dairy. Following their campus activities, students and faculty joined King and Brewer for dinner at the Keeter Center and a convocation, focusing on topics that impact America today.

Professor David Dalton, who has taught a focused Civil Rights class for three decades, attended both the convocation and dinner. Junior history major Logan Arellanes presented to those attending the dinner on the profound impact the Civil Rights class has had on him and his classmates.

King was reflective as she listened to Arellanes' presentation.

"I'm sure in the process of hearing some of the bad things that happened in America, Logan learned more about genuine American heroes," King said.

King focuses on hope and opportunity during her presentations on campus.

"Martin Luther King said he had a dream rooted in the American Dream," King said. "He had a dream that one day there would be no black power nor white power, only God power and human power. For college students especially, identify your call, your legacy, your destiny, and then walk in it. You have the perfect opportunity to be right here, at Hard Work U., College of the Ozarks and School of the Ozarks."

King and Brewer's visit focused on the College's commitment to educating students on how our nation's founding principles and the Christian faith empower significant positive change in our nation's history.

"We were raised to believe that we are leaders," King said. "Not that we will be leaders. I notice that students sit up and pay attention when we say to them, 'You are a leader right now. What you do right now and moving forward will count.'"

Brewer echoed King's sentiments and encouraged all in attendance to make a difference.

"Whenever the voice of the government becomes stronger than the voice of God in a nation, then you know you have a problem," Brewer said. "The only way we can fix our country is if we do it ourselves. We start by serving one another like Jesus told us to and by reaching out."

"Here at College of the Ozarks, I see a place of order. I see young people working and dedicated with their hearts, souls, and minds for their own education. That is really what we give back as a nation in serving our communities."

Civil Rights Movement Class at College of the Ozarks

Dr. David Dalton, professor of history at College of the Ozarks, specialized in Southern history in graduate school and has taught a class on the subject at C of O for over three decades. He strongly believes in the importance of educating students about the struggles faced by African Americans during the Civil Rights Movement to the present. Dalton offers a Civil Rights Movement class every two years, which includes a field trip to prominent locations.  

The field trip includes visits to Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas, one of the first schools to desegregate in 1957, and the Lorraine Motel, part of the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, Tennessee, where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated.

"The course covers the major (and many minor) events and individuals involved in the struggle for black equality since the end of the Civil War through the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.," Dalton said. "Being able to meet the niece of such an important figure is a unique and wonderful opportunity for my students."

Dalton is thankful for the opportunities given to the students through the convocation series at College of the Ozarks.

"I believe it is important to expose students to a diversity of opinions and experiences which will enable them to engage with and navigate the complexities of our global community," he said.

For additional information, contact Public Relations Director Valorie Coleman at (417) 690-2212.

More about AFPI

The America First Policy Institute (AFPI) is a 501 © (3) non-profit, non-partisan research institute. AFPI exists to advance policies that put the American people first. Their guiding principles are liberty, free enterprise, national greatness, American military superiority, foreign-policy engagement in the American interest, and the primacy of American workers, families, and communities in all they do. Their five-fold mission is enacted through multiple centers across the United States, including the Center for Opportunity Now, the Center for 1776, and the Center for the American Dream, of which Dr. King and Mr. Brewer are chair and vice-chair.

To learn more about The America First Policy Institute, visit https://americafirstpolicy.com/.