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September 14, 2020

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Emma Petry, senior nursing major at College of the Ozarks Emma Petry, senior nursing major at College of the Ozarks

POINT LOOKOUT, MO. — Emma Petry, a senior nursing major at College of the Ozarks, helped to save a man’s life on Thursday, Aug. 6, on South Central Avenue, Eureka, Missouri.

As she was driving that day, she came upon the scene of an emergency. Petry immediately put her training into action, beginning CPR on a man who was unresponsive.

“In that moment, I don’t remember feeling any specific emotion,” Petry said. “You don’t really have time to feel things in that kind of setting. I was just focused on doing what I could for him until the EMS (emergency medical services) got there.”

As Petry was preforming CPR, another gentleman arrived and helped rotate CPR efforts with her until emergency services arrived.

Petry received positive feedback, including attention from the media, within the last month; however, she said she wants to give all the glory to God.

“The whole thing has been so humbling, so I’d just rather give the credit to God and not me,” Petry said. “I don’t have the capability to save people’s lives without Him.”

Petry will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing in May of 2021.

When Petry first started at C of O, choosing a major was not difficult for her. Her personality naturally leads her to look for ways that she can assist others.

“I always knew I wanted to help people, but I just didn’t know what field,” Petry said. “I took some college courses in high school, and I really liked science and anatomy. I then did some volunteer work and shadowing in hospitals, and I really enjoyed it. I decided that nursing was the career I wanted to pursue.”