A student who wishes to withdraw from the College must officially notify the College of his or her intent. Depending on the timing of the withdrawal there are different procedures and implications to consider. Failing to attend classes does not automatically withdraw a student.
Withdrawal Immediately, During the Semester
- Visit the Dean of Students office located in the McDonald Administration building.
- Complete the withdrawal form.
- Residence hall students have 24 hours from the time of withdrawal to check out.
Items to Consider Before Withdrawing During the Semester
- Stay: The College wants all students to be successful. Talk with us about the problem, maybe we can help.
- Charges: Visit Cash Accounts to determine the financial impact of withdrawing during the semester. Students may be responsible for work program hours not completed, room charges, meal charges, fees, etc.
- Financial Aid: Visit the Return of Federal Title IV Funds Policy or stop by the Financial Aid office to determine the impact of withdrawing during the semester. Depending on the timing of the withdrawal all your current financial aid may not have been earned or withdrawing may make receiving aid in the future more difficult.
- Readmission: Future readmission to the College is not guaranteed.
- After Last Day to Drop: Failing grades are assigned to classes after the last day to drop.
- International Student: Visit the Registrar's Office for specific information.
- Veteran: Check with the Registrar's Office for specific information regarding benefits. Repayment of benefits may be necessary.
- Active Duty: Bring documentation of your orders to the Registrar's Office
- Official Transcript: Official transcripts are available once all financial obligations to the College have been resolved.
Withdrawal at the End of the Semester or Immediately Between Semesters (Christmas Break, Summer)
- Complete the online Withdrawal Form.
- Residence hall students must complete the check out process at the end of the semester or at the end of any required work week(s).
Items to Consider Before Withdrawing at the End of the Semester or Between Semesters
- Stay: The College wants all students to be successful. Talk with us about the problem, maybe we can help.
- Charges: Check with Cash Accounts to determine if all outstanding charges are resolved and if a refund is due.
- Readmission: Future readmission to the College is not guaranteed.
- International Student: Visit the Registrar's Office for specific information.
- Official Transcript: Official transcripts are available once all financial obligations to the College have been resolved.