Position Title:
Christian Ministries Student Worker
Required Schedule Flexibility
(1-5 scale with 5 as most flexible): 3
Job Description:
The Mission of Christian Ministries (CM):
"To help students develop a biblical worldview and learn to live out their love of God and others." This mission directs the way CM plans and implements activities for the student body at large.
Primary duties and responsibilities:
Assist with general office/cleaning duties of CM including: reception area, phone, email, and upkeep of the building,
Each student will have individual projects throughout the semester but will work with other directors and staff to accomplish the tasks at hand,
Accommodate the needs of students and visitors who walk in the door,
Weekly staff meetings,
Shared convocation and chapel ushering responsibilities.
Secondary duties and responsibilities:
Job Descriptions:
Student director positions are grouped according to areas of similar responsibility. Some of these jobs experience some overlap which requires that the students learn to work together to support one another.
3 Director positions: Internal logistics, External logistics, Communication
Internal Logistics:
Oversee the staffing of the front desk and the accommodation of answering phones. Will make the cleaning schedule and the student directors' work schedules. Schedules will be posted in student work office,
Be able to answer all the questions of those who enter the CM building,
In charge of ordering office and cleaning supplies from the warehouse,
Oversee special needs for the student body in loss of a loved one, or an accident. Write a card and see if they need help with transportation or meals,
Help host events which are meant to help the development of campus community,
Will assist with administrative needs in the counseling center,
Maintain community service bulletin board,
In charge of administrative duties in regards to community and campus service projects, i.e. transportation, facility permits, food needs, etc.
Oversee all of the communication for events coming from CM,
Coordinate all of the social media for CM,
Oversee the coordinating of the photos for CM events,
Keep the website updated,
Coordinate any media for use in CM events,
Will download the chapel service to the website weekly.
Student Ministries:
4 director positions: Worship and Prayer, Student Ministries, Small Groups, and ARTOS
Worship and Prayer:
Assist in chapel worship planning and will help develop other areas of corporate worship, such as Mission Emphasis Week,
Oversee the chapel card system, including prayer requests from the cards,
Oversee the scheduling and recruitment of chapel ushers,
Will be in charge of announcements for chapel bulletin,
Will coordinate the daily prayer times, assigning different people to lead, and keeping abreast of prayer requests,
Oversee a Lenten worship service.
Student Ministries:
Identify all of the Christian clubs and organization leaders and be able to communicate with them on a regular basis. Will provide information about CM activities to all of the ministry clubs and sponsors. Will relay information to the CM staff about what the clubs and organizations are planning,
Will work with small group ministry opportunities such as Camp Koinonia,
Will be in charge of setting up ARTOS and following up with students to get to know them,
Will oversee the registration and activities in retreats such as Camp Koinonia, Men's/Women's retreats, and Pre-marital Retreats,
Will be in charge of promotion of CM at campus community events such as the Organizational Fair and Homecoming,
Will help in the leadership of OCC, in student involvement, planning, etc.,
Will help with ARTOS preparation and will follow up with new students in ARTOS.
3 Director positions: Mission Opportunities, Campus Opportunities, Community Partnerships
Mission Opportunities:
Will help to plan Mission Emphasis Week,
Will help organize CM's annual mission trips,
Will work with supervisors as a student leader of OCC,
Will organize an event each semester to expose student CM mission and service opportunities throughout the year,
Will create a list of CM majors and minors which can easily be accessible,
Develop a data base of mission trips, opportunities, and organizations,
Administer surveys on mission experiences and debriefing.
Campus Opportunities:
Build relationships with the clubs and organizations, and offer resources for service projects,
Oversee the student led CALL projects,
In charge of Coffee House for Mission Emphasis Week,
Coordinate recruiting for CM public events and projects,
Organize CM's annual mission trips.
Community Partnerships:
Build/maintain database for community service organizations,
Research community service project opportunities,
Coordinate on-campus service events with Campus Opportunity Director in regards to number of volunteers needed, special skills, etc.,
Communicate with off-campus organization's service project coordinator,
Work closely with Director of Communications in regard to promotion of projects.
Basic Qualifications:
Dependability, punctuality and faithful adherence to the work schedule,
Conduct is a reflection of the Christian Ministries Office and Christlike character is imperative as it reflects the mission,
Confidentiality is an extremely important quality as the student may be exposed to sensitive/confidential material,
Willingness to work weekends and nights when needed for chapel, convocations and CM events,
Must have knowledge of Microsoft computer programs.
Desirable Qualifications:
A self-starter and willing to go the extra mile,
Interested in mission/evangelism/community service work,
Ability to work well with others on the team,
Organizational skills.
Learning Objectives:
The student will:
Promote a shared culture of hospitality and compassion which cares for the general well-being of the student community as brothers and sisters in Christ. These values will be reflected to the external public as we come in contact with them as well,
Operate as servant leaders to engage and empower other students in retreats, Bible studies, workshop, mission, service opportunities, and mentoring relationships,
Share with the staff in the planning and implementation of ministry and service opportunities,
Work as a team in accomplishing the daily task necessary for the successful accomplishment of the mission of Christian Ministries.