Student setting on wing of plane

Carver Boldman

College of the Ozarks is a family tradition for the Boldmans. Carver, a senior, is the seventh in his family to attend Hard Work U.® 

“Six of my older siblings graduated from this school, making applying to and eventually attending C of O a natural choice for me. More importantly, C of O is a Christian college that genuinely values and upholds Christian standards while maintaining academic excellence,” says Carver. 

Growing up on a small farm where his parents had “almost as many children as they did farm animals,” Carver was raised with his eight brothers and five sisters. His childhood was happy, focused on completing his chores and playing with his many siblings. His parents were intentional about raising their children according to Scripture, which resulted in Carver’s deep faith and resilience. 

Carver’s academic pursuit has been rigorous at Hard Work U.® At times, Carver was immensely challenged, but found growth through the process.

“As an Engineering student, I was pushed to my limits and to my knees many times. As I progressed, I began to thank God for these times, as they led me back to His feet. I grew in my humility, which only comes through adversity.”


In addition to academic growth, Carver is thankful for the opportunity to work, rather than pay, for his education. He began his work career in Custodial, where he was tasked with maintaining campus facilities. After succeeding in this workstation, he moved to Character Education, where he helped plan campus events. He would finally land at Public Relations, where he writes press releases and hosts visitors to campus.

“It gives me a chance to show off the campus and show visitors how College of the Ozarks stands out in today’s society.”


Plant seeds of success.


An investment in College of the Ozarks is an investment in students like Carver.




As for the future, Carver has a plan. Passionate about aviation, Carver received a C of O scholarship to pursue his flight training. He has earned his private pilot’s license, multiengine rating, and logged over 100 flight hours.

“From a young age, I have wanted to fly. Both of my grandpas were pilots, and the stories and memories they shared with me served as fuel to one day pursue aviation for myself.”

And the sky is indeed the limit for Carver. 

“I plan to be commissioned into the United States Air Force through Officer Training School after I graduate. I hope to fly, and one day attend Test Pilot School. I’m beyond excited to begin with the Air Force and turn my passion for flight into a career!”