Professional Education Courses (C- or better required) |
The following courses (200 level) can be taken prior to admission to the Teacher Education Program |
| EDU 200: Introduction to Clinical Practice | | EDU 211: Classroom Participation (Prereq: EDU 200 & EDU 201) |
| EDU 201: Classroom Observation (Prereq: EDU 200 & Sophomore Status.) | | EDU 213: The Call to Teach: An Intro to Teaching (Prereq: Sophomore Status and declared education major) |
| EDU 203: Psychological Development of the Child & Adolescent (Prereq: PSY 273 Educational Psych) | X | PSY 273: Educational Psychology (General Ed Requirement) |
The following courses (300-400 level) require admission to the Teacher Education Program |
| EDU 303: Education of the Exceptional Learner | | EDU 423: Educational Assessment and Data-Based Decision Making |
| EDU 333: Analysis of Curric. & Methods of Teaching (Prereq: EDU 211) | | EDU 453: Trauma Sensitive Classroom Management (Prereq: Senior Status) |
| EDU 353 Instructional Interventions (Prereq: EDU 333) (Coreq: EDU 393 Methods of Teaching Literacy in Sec. Schools) | | EDU 4102 Implementation of K-12 Best Practices (Fall)(Prereq: EDU 353)(Coreq: EDU 4104 Best Practices Teaching Instrum. & Vocal) |
| EDU 393: Methods of Teaching Literacy in the Secondary School (Co-req: EDU 353 Instructional Interventions) | | EDU 4104: Best Practices Teaching Instrumental & Vocal (Fall)(Coreq: EDU 4102 Implem.of K-12 Best Practices) |
Admission to Student Teaching is required prior to taking the following courses |
| EDU 441: Classroom Leadership (1 week of student teaching semester) | | EDU 45V: Student Teaching (13 weeks of student teaching semester) |
Content Courses (C- or better required) |
| MUS 200: Sophomore Proficiency (Spring) (Coreq: MUS 213) | | MUS 343: Conducting I (Fall Odd) |
| MUS 203: Music Theory I (Fall) | | MUS 353: Conducting II (Spring Even)(Prereq: MUS 343)(Coreq: MUE 111, MUE 311, or MUE 101, MUE 301, or MUE 191, MUE 391) |
| MUS 213: Music Theory II (Spring)(Prereq: MUS 203) (Coreq: MUS 200) | | MUS 452: Orchestration (Fall Odd) (Prereq MUS 213) |
| MUS 222: Aural Skills I (Fall) | | MUA 111: Class Piano 1 |
| MUS 223: Diction For Singers (Spring-Even) | | MUA 121: Class Piano 2 (Prereq: MUA 111) |
| MUS 232: Aural Skills II (Spring)(Prereq: MUS 222) | | MUA 161: Class Piano 3 (Prereq: MUA 121) |
| MUS 312: Music History I (Fall) (Jr./ Sr. & MUS 213) | | MUA 171: Class Piano 4 (Always required)(Prereq: MUA 161) |
| MUS 313: Vocal Pedagogy (Fall-Even) | | MUA: Applied/Class Voice (8 credit hours) |
| MUS 322: Music History II (Spring) (Jr./ Sr. & MUS 213) | | MUE: Major Vocal Ensemble (8 credit hours) |
| Advanced Theory Elective (2 credit hours needed)(Prereq for all: MUS 213) MUS 422 Electronic Music (Occasionally offered) or MUS 432: Post-Tonal Theory (Fall Even) or MUS 442: Counterpoint (Spring Odd) or MUS 462: Music Since 1945 (Occ. offered) or MUS 472: Form and Analysis (Spring Even) | | Choose Eight Credits of Applied Voice Electives MUA 101: Class Voice I (Fall) MUA 151: Class Voice II (Spring) (Prereq: MUA 101) MUA 201: Voice MUA 202: Voice MUA 301: Voice MUA 402: Voice |
| Choose Eight Credits of Ensemble Electives MUE 111: Chapel Choir MUE 121: Chorale MUE 311: Chapel Choir MUE 321: Chorale | | MUA 100: Recital Attendance (each semester) MUA 491: Senior Recital |