
The College of the Ozarks’ Teacher Education program is accredited by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Therefore, students who complete their elementary or secondary education program at College of the Ozarks and pass all state-required exams and background checks are recommended for certification in the State of Missouri.

The Education Office at College of the Ozarks will prepare and submit certification paperwork to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) on the student’s behalf. Students are responsible for obtaining their own criminal background check through the vendor designated by DESE. Teaching certificates are processed electronically, and a program graduate may monitor the progress of his/her certification by accessing "DESE Web Applications" on the DESE website at www.dese.mo.gov.

If program graduates desire certification in another state, they are counseled to apply for reciprocity certification utilizing their Missouri teaching certificate. Each state sets its own requirements that individuals must meet for certification. Therefore, it is recommended that program graduates research the Department of Education websites for the state(s) in which they would like to obtain certification. In many cases, the state will issue a one-year provisional certificate, which allows the program graduate to obtain a teaching position while completing any additional requirements of the state such as a state history course, different assessments, etc.

Checklists that outline degree and certification requirements are available for each education major to assist in preparing a plan for program completion.

Available Content Types

Agriculture Education Major

College of the Ozarks (2025 – 2026)

Student Name:

                         Student ID #: 

Advisor Name:

 Expected Graduation: 



General Education Courses Required
 BIO 1034: Intro. to Environmental Science Spring) HTY 253: American Experience
 BTS 103: Christian Worldview I CC 100: Character Camp
 BTS 4003: Christian Worldview II (Prereq. BTS 103 & 91 hrs) CC 10V: BASE Camp

ART 103: Exploration of the Visual Arts or MUS 103: Music or

DRM 103: Theatre



PAT 103: Patriotic Education I


AGR 123: Computer App. for Ag. (Recommended)

Fulfilled by passing proficiency test

 PAT 401: Patriotic Education II (Prereq. PAT 103)

Choose One Composition Course:

ENG 103: College Composition I

ENG 104: College Composition with Support


PED 121: Swimming or

Pass Swimming Proficiency


ENG 163: Readings in Western Civilization

(Coreq: HTY 163 if possible)


PED 101: Lifetime Wellness

(Only if Swimming Proficiency is met by passing proficiency)



ENG 253: American Rhetoric(Prereq: ENG 103)


MAT 133: College Algebra


MAT 1335: College Algebra with Support


MAT 123 Mathematical Inquiry (Recommended)


Choose One Western Civilization:

HTY 153: Western Civilization I

HTY 163: Western Civilization II (Coreq: ENG 163 if possible)

 PSY 273: Educational Psychology
 SPC 103: Public Speaking

CHE 1004 Intro to Chemistry


CHE 114 General Chemistry



AGB 113: Agriculture Economics (Spring)

Fine Arts Activities: Choose 1 course (3 credits)

ART: 113 Two Dimensional Design ART 123: Drawing I

DRM 113: Intro to Theatre Technology (Fall only)

DRM 163: Vocal Training for the Stage (Fall only)

DRM 173: Movement Training for the Stage (Spring only)

DRM 193: Dance Technique I  (Fall only)

OR: Three one-hour courses from Music Ensembles (MUE), or Class Piano, Class Voice, or Class Guitar

Professional Education Courses (C- or better required)
The following courses (200 level) can be taken prior to admissions to the Teacher Education Program
 EDU 200: Introduction to Clinical Practice EDU 211: Classroom Participation
 EDU 201: Classroom Observation(Prereq: EDU 200 & EDU 201)
(Prereq: EDU 200 & Sophomore Status) 

EDU 213: The Call to Teach: An Intro to Teaching

(Prereq: Sophomore Status & declared education major)

 EDU 203: Psychological Debelopment of the Child &
Adolescent (Prereq: PSY 273 Educational Psych)


PSY 273: Educational Psychology (General Ed Requirement)
The following courses (300-400 level) require admission to the Teacher Education Program
 EDU 303: Education of the Exceptional Learner EDU 423: Educational Assessment & Data-Based Decision Making
 EDU 333: Analysis of Curric. & Methods of Teaching EDU 453: Trauma Sensitive Classroom Management
(Prereq: EDU 211)(Prereq: Senior Status)
 EDU 353: Instructional Interventions EDU 4202: Implementation of Secondary Best Practices
(Prereq: EDU 333)/(Coreq: EDU 393)(Prereq: EDU 353-Fall)/(Coreq: EDU 4203)
 EDU 393: Methods of Teaching Literacy in the EDU 4203: Best Practices Teaching Agriculture
Sec. School (Coreq: EDU 353 Instruct. Interventions)(Prereq: EDU 353-Fall)/(Coreq: EDU 4202)
Admission to Student Teaching is required prior to taking the following courses
 EDU 441: Classroom Leadership EDU 45V: Student Teaching
(1 week of student teaching semester)(13 weeks of student teaching semester)

Content Courses (C- or better required)

 AGA 114: Animal Science (Fall) AGH 133: Introduction to Horticulture (Spring) 


AGB 113: Agriculture Economics (Spring) AGH 153: Introduction to Forestry (Fall) 

Choose Two Agriculture Electives:

AGA 253: Genetics of Animals & Plants

AGA 283: Animal Health

AGA 303: Principles of Animal Nutrition 

AGA 333: Reproductive Physiology 

AGA 353: Animal Food Products

AGB 223: Gen. Agriculture Marketing (Spring)

AGB 363: Agriculture Risk Management (Fall-Even)

 AGB 463: Agriculture Sales (Fall-odd)

AGH 213: Horticultural Plants

AGH 243: Garden Production

AGH 353: Advanced Topics in Horticulture Science

AGH 453: Plant Propagation & Tissue Culture

AGM 313: Principles of Sustainable Agriculture


AGR 354: Farm Machinery & Power Technology



AGH 313: Integrated Pest Management

(Spring odd)/(Prereq : AGH 133 or AGR 103)

 AGR 103: Crop Science (Fall) 
 AGR 214: Soil Science 
(Spring)/(Prereq: CHE 1004 or CHE 114) 

AGR 453: Land & Water Management

(Fall even)/(Prereq: CHE 1004 or CHE 114)

 AGT 154: Welding & Construction Technology (fall) 

EDU 4202: Implementation of Secondary Best Practices

(Fall)/(Prereq: EDU 353(/Coreq: EDU 4203)


EDU 4203: Best Practices Teaching Agriculture

(Fall)(Prereq: EDU 333) (Coreq: EDU 4202)


MJR 213: Introduction to Journalism (Spring)


ENG 333: Technical Writing (Spring)

 AGB 383: General Farm Management (Fall) 

AGE 453: AGRI Ed. Program Construction

(Spring odd)/(Preq: Admiss. To Teacher Ed)


X = Met in General Education Course Work

GPA Requirements

2.75 Cumulative GPA required for admission to Teacher Education Program.
3.00 Content GPA required for admission to Student Teaching & Teacher Certification.
3.00 Professional GPA required for Student Teaching and Teacher Certification.

Other Program Requirements

Prior to enrolling in any upper division education (EDU courses) students must be accepted into the Teacher Education (TE) Program. Requirements of the TE Program are available in the Education office or at www.cofo.edu – Academic Programs, Education Application & Checklists.
Prior to Student Teaching, students must be accepted into the Student Teaching Program. Use the same procedures listed above to locate the requirements.



Updated: 2/12/25



Art Education Major

College of the Ozarks (2024 – 2025)

Student Name:                                        Student ID #: 


Advisor Name:




Expected Graduation:



General Education Courses Required 
 ART 113: Two Dimensional Design HTY 253: American Experience 

BIO, CHE, or PHY: 4 hours of Natural Science Course

(PHY 1004: Intro. to Physical Science recommended)

 CC 100: Character Camp 
 BTS 103: Christian Worldview I CC 10V: BASE Camp 
 BTS 4003: Christian Worldview II (Prereq. BTS 103 & 91 hrs) PAT 103: Patriotic Education I 

ART 103: Exploration of the Visual Arts or MUS 103: Music or

DRM 103: Theatre

 PAT 401: Patriotic Education II (Prereq. PAT 103) 

PED 121: Swimming or

Pass Swimming Proficiency


CSC 113: Fundamentals of Computer Systems or LSC 213: Information Literacy or

Fulfilled by passing proficiency test


PED 101: Lifetime Wellness

(Only if Swimming Proficiency is met by passing proficiency)


ENG 103: College Composition I OR

ENG 104: College Composition with Support


MAT 133: College Algebra (Recommended) or

MAT 1335: College Algebra with Support


ENG 163: Readings in Western Civilization

(Coreq: HTY 163 if possible)

 PSY 273: Educational Psychology 
 ENG 253: American Rhetoric (Prereq: ENG 103) SPC 103: Public Speaking 

HTY 153: Western Civilization I OR

HTY 163: Western Civilization II (Coreq: ENG 163 if possible)

 Required Collateral Courses

Choose One First Level Spanish:

SPA 113: Spanish for Public Safety Professionals (Offered Occ.)

SPA 123: Spanish for Agriculture (Spring)

SPA 143: Elementary Spanish I

 SPA 153: Spanish II (prereq: SPA 113, SPA 123, SPA 143 or passing proficiency)
Professional Education Courses (C- or better required)
The following courses (200 level) can be taken prior to admission to the Teacher Education Program
 EDU 200: Introduction to Clinical Practice 

EDU 211: Classroom Participation

(Prereq: EDU 200 & EDU 201)


EDU 201: Classroom Observation

(Prereq: EDU 200 & Sophomore Status.)


EDU 213: The Call to Teach: An Intro to Teaching

(Prereq: Sophomore Status and education major)

 EDU 203: Psychological Development of the Child & Adolescent (Prereq: PSY 273 Educational Psych) EDU 263: Integrated Learning (Spring)

PSY 273: Educational Psychology

(General Ed Requirement)

The following courses (300-400 level) require admission to the Teacher Education Program
 EDU 303: Education of the Exceptional Learner EDU 423: Educational Assessment and Data- Based Decision Making

EDU 333: Analysis of Curric. & Methods of Teaching

(Prereq: EDU 211)

 EDU 453: Trauma Sensitive Classroom Management (Prereq: Senior Status)

EDU 353 Instructional Interventions

(Prereq: EDU 333) (Coreq: EDU 393 Methods of Teaching Literacy in Sec. Schools)


EDU 4102 Implementation of K-12 Best Practices

(Fall)(Prereq: EDU 353)

(Co-req: EDU 4103 Best Practices Teaching Art)


EDU 393: Methods of Teaching Literacy in the Secondary School

(Co-req: EDU 353 Instructional Interventions)


EDU 4103: Best Practices Teaching Art

(Fall)(Co-req: EDU 4102 Implem.of K-12 Best Practices)

Admission to Student Teaching is required prior to taking the following courses

EDU 441: Classroom Leadership

(1 week of student teaching semester)


EDU 45V: Student Teaching

(13 weeks of student teaching semester)

Content Courses (C- or better required)
 ARH 273: Art History I (Fall-Odd) ART 233: Three-Dimensional Design (Spring)
 ARH 283: Art History II (Fall-Even) ART 243: Painting I (Spring)
 ARH 383: Modern Art (Spring-Even) ART 273: Clay I (Fall)



ART 113: Two Dimensional Design


ART 283: Digital Photography & Digital Darkroom Techniques

(Spring-Even)(Prerea: MPH 113, ART 113, ART 123 or ART 253)

 ART 123: Drawing I ART 313: Printmaking (Fall-Even) (Prereq: ART 113 & 123)
 ART 223: Drawing II (Fall) ART 353: Fibers (Fall-Odd) (Prereq: ART 113 or 233)

X = Met in General Education Course Work

Required Collateral Course

ARH 433: Human Creativity lSpring-Odd)

(Prereq: Jr., BTS 103 & ART 103 or DRM 103 or MUS 103)

 ART 301: Studio Art Seminar (Prereq: Junior Status)
 ART 401: Studio Art Seminar (Prereq: Senior Status)
 ART 492: Senior Exhibition  (Permission)
 ART 491: Art Portfolio (Fall)

GPA Requirements

2.75 Cumulative GPA required for admission to Teacher Education Program.
3.00 Content GPA required for admission to Student Teaching & Teacher Certification.
3.00 Professional GPA required for Student Teaching and Teacher Certification.

Other Program Requirements

Prior to enrolling in any upper division education (EDU courses) students must be accepted into the

Teacher Education (TE) Program. Requirements of the TE Program are available in the Education office or at www.cofo.edu – Academic Programs, Education Application & Checklists.

Prior to Student Teaching, students must be accepted into the Student Teaching Program. Use the same procedures listed above to locate the requirements.


Updated 8/20/24   

Biology Education Major

College of the Ozarks (2024 – 2025)

Student Name:

                  Student ID #: 

Advisor Name:

 Expected Graduation: 
General Education Courses Required
 PHY 1004: Intro. to Physical Science HTY 253: American Experience
 BTS 103: Christian Worldview I CC 100: Character Camp
 BTS 4003: Christian Worldview II (Prereq. BTS 103 & 91 hrs) CC 10V: BASE Camp

ART 103: Exploration of the Visual Arts or MUS 103: Music or

DRM 103: Theatre



PAT 103: Patriotic Education I


CSC 113: Fundamentals of Computer Systems or LSC 213: Information Literacy or

Fulfilled by passing proficiency test



PAT 401: Patriotic Education II (Prereq. PAT 103)


ENG 103: College Composition I or

ENG 104: College Composition with Support


PED 121: Swimming or

Pass Swimming Proficiency


ENG 163: Readings in Western Civilization

(Coreq: HTY 163 if possible)


PED 101: Lifetime Wellness

(Only if Swimming Proficiency is met by passing proficiency)

 ENG 253: American Rhetoric (Prereq: ENG 103) 

MAT 133 College Algebra (Recommended)or

MAT 1335: College Algebra with Support


Choose One Western Civilization:

HTY 153: Western Civilization I

HTY 163: Western Civilization II (Coreq: ENG 163 if possible)

 PSY 273: Educational Psychology
 SPC 103: Public Speaking
Fine Arts Activities: Choose 1 course (3 credits)

ART: 113 Two Dimensional Design ART 123: Drawing I

DRM 113: Intro to Theatre Technology (Fall only)

DRM 163: Vocal Training for the Stage (Fall only)

DRM 173: Movement Training for the Stage (Spring only)

DRM 193: Dance Techniques I (Fall only)

 OR: Three one-hour courses from Music Ensembles (MUE), or Class Piano, Class Voice, or Class Guitar
GPA Requirements
2.75 Cumulative GPA required for admission to Teacher Education Program.
3.00 Content GPA required for admission to Student Teaching & Teacher Certification.
3.00 Professional GPA required for Student Teaching and Teacher Certification.
Other Program Requirements
Prior to enrolling in any upper division education (EDU courses), students must be accepted into the Teacher Education (TE) Program.  Requirements of the TE Program are available in the Education office or at www.cofo.edu – Academic Programs, Education Application & Checklists.
Prior to Student Teaching, students must be accepted into the Student Teaching Program.  Use the same procedures listed above to locate the requirements.

Professional Education Courses (C- or better required) 

The following courses (200 level) can be taken prior to admission to the Teacher Education Program 


EDU 201: Classroom Observation  

(Prereq: Sophomore Status) 

 EDU 213: The Call to Teach: An Intro to Teaching (Prereq: Sophomore Status) 
 EDU 203: Psychological Development of the Child & Adolescent (Prereq: PSY 273 Educational Psych) 

PSY 273: Educational Psychology  

(General Ed Requirement) 

 EDU 211: Classroom Participation (Prereq: EDU 201)   

The following courses (300-400 level) require admission to the Teacher Education Program 

 EDU 303: Education of the Exceptional Learner  EDU 423: Educational Assessment and Data-Based Decision Making 
 EDU 333: Analysis of Curric. & Methods of Teaching (Prereq: EDU 211)  EDU 453: Trauma Sensitive Classroom Management (Prereq: Senior Status) 
 EDU 353 Instructional Interventions (Prereq: EDU 333) (Coreq: EDU 393 Methods of Teaching Literacy in Sec. Schools)  EDU 4202 Implement. of Sec. Best Practices (Fall)  (Prereq: EDU 353) (Co-req: EDU 4213 Best Practices Teaching) 
 EDU 393: Methods of Teaching Literacy in the Secondary School (Coreq: EDU 353 Instruct. Interventions)  EDU 4213: Best Practices Teaching Biology (Fall)(Coreq: EDU 4202 Implem. of Sec. Best Practices) 

Admission to Student Teaching is required prior to taking the following courses 


EDU 441: Classroom Leadership 

(1 week of student teaching semester) 


EDU 45V: Student Teaching 

(13 weeks of student teaching semester) 

Content Courses (C- or better required) 

 BIO 114: General Zoology (Fall)  BIO 314: Ecology (Spring) (Prereq: BIO 114 & BIO 124 OR BIO 233) 
 BIO 124: General Botany (Spring)  

CHE 114: General Chemistry I (Fall) 

(Prereq: MAT 013 or Math ACT 21> & HS Chem or CHE 1004) 

 BIO 233: Fundamentals of Cell Biology & Genetics (Fall) (Prereq: BIO 124)  PHY 1024: Intro to Geology (Occasionally offered) 
 BIO 304: Microbiology (Fall-Even) (Prereq: CHE 124 & BIO 124 OR BIO 233)  SCE 333: The History & Philosophy of Science and Technology (Occasionally offered)(Prereq of at least one 300 or 400 level science course) 

BIO 164: Human Anatomy & Physiology I (Fall)  


BIO 174: Human Anatomy & Physiology II (Spring) 


BIO 375: Human Anatomy (Spring) (Prereq: BIO 233)  


BIO 434: Human Physiology (Fall) (Prereq: BIO 384) 


Additional Courses Recommended for Biology Certification 


BIO 384: Cell and Molecular Biology (Prereq: BIO 233)  


BIO 444: Genetics and Genomics (Prereq: BIO 233)  


BIO 462: Senior Thesis  (Prereq: Instructor Permission & Sr. Status) 



Additional Courses Recommended for Chemistry Certification 


CHE 124: General Chemistry II (Prereq: CHE 114, C-or better) 


CHE 215: Organic Chemistry I (Prereq: CHE 124 C-or better) 

Additional Courses Recommended for Physics Certification 


PHY 214: Physics I: Algebra/Trigonometry-based  

(Prereq: MAT 135 or MAT 153, C-or better) 


PHY 224: Physics II: Algebra/Trigonometry-based  

(Prereq: PHY 214) 

Middle School Add-on/Elementary or Secondary ED – FA 2024/SP 2025 Catalog In addition to Elementary or Secondary coursework, the following courses are needed for MS Add-on:


MS Language Arts Add-On







  College Composition I


  College Composition with Support


























OR 373











CHOOSE 1 of the Following Courses

 Survey of American Literature I S-ODD


 Survey of American Literature II S-EVEN


 American Drama F-ODD


 The American Novel F-EVEN


 Survey of British Literature I F-ODD


 Survey of British Literature II F-ODD


 Shakespeare’s Tragedies & Histories S-EVEN


 Shakespeare’s Comedies and Romances S-ODD


 Creative Writing Nonfiction F-ODD


 Creative Writing Poetry S-EVEN


 Creative Writing Fiction F-EVEN


 Introduction to TESOL SPRING


 History of the English Language S-ODD


 Philosophy of Literature F-ODD






 Classical & Christian Epics SPRING



  163Readings in Western Civilization 
   X    253American Rhetoric 
    203Foundations of Literary Studies FALL 




  Survey of British Literature I F-EVEN


Survey of British Literature II F-ODD





  Survey of American Literature I S-ODD


  Survey of American Literature II S-EVEN

    383  Adolescent Literature F-EVEN 
    393  Advanced Grammar S-EVEN 
 EDU   443  Methods of Teaching Middle School F-EVEN 

MS Social Science (History) Add-on




203    213

Macroeconomics   OR 




253American Experience 

Methods of Teaching Middle School




103Patriotic Education 


Western Civilization I 


103American National Government     FALL 


Western Civilization II 


   103   Introduction Psychology 


World Regional Geography FALL     

MS Math Add-on


Methods of Teaching Middle School


 MAT135Discrete Math & Trigonometry (Prereq: MAT 133 or Math 1335 or Math ACT ≥ 25) 













(Select two – 5-8 credit hrs) Mathematical Inquiry with Applications (Prereq: MAT 013 or Math ACT ≥ 22) OR Calculus II (Prereq: MAT 175) OR

Beginning Algebra from Advd. Perspective (Prereq: MAT 175) OCC OR Programming Fundamentals (Prereq MAT 133)





Statistics (Prereq: MAT 013 or Math ACT ≥ 22)


Probability and Statistics (Prereq: MAT 305) F






OR 1335 OR 333

College Algebra


College Algebra with Support


Linear Algebra (Prereq: MAT 205)





Trigonometry (Prereq: MAT 133 or Math 1335 or Math ACT ≥ 25)



(Prereq: MAT 135 and MAT 175) F-ODD

 MAT175Calculus I (Prereq: MAT 133 or Math 1335 and MAT 153 or MAT 135 or Math ACT ≥ 27) 

MS Science Add-on



114General Zoology     FALL EDU443¨Methods of Teaching Middle School    F-EVEN
  124General Botany    SPRING PHY1014Astronomy (Prereq: any Math course except MAT 013) OCC


114General Chemistry I (Prereq: MAT 013 or Math ACT ≥ 22)  1024Introduction to Geology    OCC

General Chemistry II (Prereq: CHE 114)


 SCE333The History & Philosophy of Sci. & Tech. (Prereq: one 300 or 400 level science course) OCC

MS Instrumental or Vocal Add-on

               Vocal Add-on                                                            Instrumental Add-on




Voice/Class voice: 9 credit hours



362Instrumental Methods, Brass (Fall-even)

Chorale Ensembles: 9 credit hours

(At least 2 credit hours of Chorale)



372Instrumental Methods, Percussion (Spring-odd)


Diction for Singers (Spring-even) 


382Instrumental Methods, Strings (Spring-even)


Vocal Pedagogy (Fall-even) 


392Instrumental Methods, Woodwinds (Fall-odd)




 Instrumental Lessons: 6 credit hours




 Instrumental Ensemble: 6 credit hours (Concert Band, Jazz Band, Orchestra)


Elementary Education Major

College of the Ozarks 2024 – 2025

Student Name:

                  Student ID #: 


Advisor Name:



Expected Graduation:



General Education Courses Required for the Elementary Education Major 

BIO, CHE, or PHY: 4 hours of Natural Science Course

(PHY 1004: Intro to Physical Sci. Recommended)

 HTY 253: American Experience 
 BTS 103: Christian Worldview I CC 100: Character Camp 
 BTS 4003: Christian Worldview II (Prereq. BTS 103 & 91 hrs) CC 10V: BASE Camp 

ART 103: Exploration of the Visual Arts or MUS 103: Music or

DRM 103: Theatre



PAT 103: Patriotic Education I


CSC 113: Fundamentals of Computer Systems or LSC 213: Information Literacy or

Fulfilled by passing proficiency test


PAT 401: Patriotic Education II (Prereq. PAT 103)



Choose One Composition Course: ENG 103: College Composition I

ENG 104: College Composition with Support


PED 121: Swimming or

Pass Swimming Proficiency


ENG 163: Readings in Western Civilization

(Coreq: HTY 163 if possible)


PED 101: Lifetime Wellness

(Only if Swimming Proficiency is met by passing proficiency)

 ENG 253: American Rhetoric (Prereq: ENG 103) 

MAT; 3–5 hours of any Math course except MAT 013

(MAT 133: College Algebra or MAT 1335: College Algebra with support Recommended)


Choose One Western Civilization:

HTY 153: Western Civilization I

HTY 163: Western Civilization II (Coreq: ENG 163 if possible)

 PSY 273: Educational Psychology 
 SPC 103: Public Speaking 
Fine Arts Activities: Choose 1 course (3 credits) 

ART 113: Two Dimensional Design ART 123: Drawing I

DRM 113: Intro to Theatre Technology (Fall only)

DRM 163: Vocal Training for the Stage (Fall only)

DRM 173: Movement Training for the Stage (Spring only)

DRM 193: Dance Techniques I (Fall only)

OR: Three one-hour courses from Music Ensembles (MUE), or Class Piano, Class Voice, or Class Guitar

Professional Education Courses (C- or better required)
The following courses (200 level) can be taken prior to admission to the Teacher Education Program
 EDU 200: Introduction to Clinical Practice 

EDU 253: Methods of Teaching Mathematics I

(Prereq: MAT 013 or Math ACT ≥ 22)


EDU 201: Classroom Observation

(Prereq: EDU 200 & Sophomore Status)

 EDU 263: Integrated Learning (Spring only)

EDU 203: Psychological Development of the Child &

Adolescent (Prereq: PSY 273 Educational Psych)

 EDU 273: Engaging Families as Education Partners

EDU 211: Classroom Participation

(Prereq: EDU 200 & EDU 201)


EDU 283: Linking Families with Community



EDU 213: The Call to Teach: An Introduction to

Teaching (Prereq: Sophomore Status & declared edu. major)


PSY 273: Educational Psychology

(General Ed Requirement)

 EDU 223: Methods of Teaching Literacy I  
The following courses (300-400 level) require admission to the Teacher Education Program
 EDU 303: Education of the Exceptional Learner EDU 373: Methods of Teaching Science

EDU 313: Methods of Teaching Mathematics II

(Prereq: EDU 253 Methods of Teaching Mathematics I)

 EDU 383: Methods of Teaching Social Science

EDU 323: Methods of Teaching Literacy II

(Prereq: EDU 223 Methods of Teaching Literacy I)


EDU 423: Educational Assessment and Data-

Based Decision Making


EDU 333: Analysis of Curriculum and Methods of

Teaching (Prereq: EDU 211)


EDU 453: Trauma Sensitive Classroom

Management (Prereq: Senior Status)


EDU 343: Methods of Teaching Literacy III

(Prereq: EDU 323 Methods of Teaching Literacy II)


EDU 4002 Implementation of Best Practices in

Teaching Elementary (Fall only)(Prereq: EDU 353) (Coreq: EDU 4003)

 EDU 353 Instructional Interventions (Prereq: EDU 333) (Coreq: EDU 363) 

EDU 4003: Best Practices in Teaching Elementary

(Fall only) (Prereq: EDU 333)(Coreq: EDU 4002 Best Practices of Teaching Elementary)


EDU 363: Methods of Teaching Literacy in the

Content Fields (Coreq: EDU 353 Instruc. Interventions)

Admission to Student Teaching is required prior to taking the following courses

EDU 441: Classroom Leadership

(1 week of student teaching semester)


EDU 45V: Student Teaching

(13 weeks of student teaching semester)

X = Met in General Education Course Work

GPA Requirements

2.75 Cumulative GPA required for admission to Teacher Education Program.
3.00 Professional/Content GPA required for Student Teaching and Teacher Certification.

Other Program Requirements

Prior to enrolling in any upper division education (EDU courses) students must be accepted into the Teacher Education (TE) Program. Requirements of the TE Program are available in the Education

office or at www.cofo.edu – Academic Programs, Education Application & Checklists.

Prior to Student Teaching, students must be accepted into the Student Teaching Program. Use the same procedures listed above to locate the requirements.


Elementary Education Major w/ Early Childhood Concentration

College of the Ozarks (2024 – 2025)

Student Name:

                             Student ID #: 


Advisor Name:




              Expected Graduation:





General Education Courses Required for the Elementary Education Major 

BIO, CHE, or PHY: 4 hours of Natural Science Course

(PHY 1004: Intro to Physical Sci. Recommended)

 HTY 253: American Experience 
 BTS 103: Christian Worldview I CC 100: Character Camp 
 BTS 4003: Christian Worldview II (Prereq. BTS 103 & 91 hrs) CC 10V: BASE Camp 

ART 103: Exploration of the Visual Arts or MUS 103: Music or

DRM 103: Theatre



PAT 103: Patriotic Education I


CSC 113: Fundamentals of Computer Systems or LSC 213: Information Literacy or

Fulfilled by passing proficiency test


PAT 401: Patriotic Education II (Prereq. PAT 103)



Choose One Composition Course: ENG 103: College Composition I

ENG 104: College Composition with Support


PED 121: Swimming or

Pass Swimming Proficiency


ENG 163: Readings in Western Civilization

(Coreq: HTY 163 if possible)


PED 101: Lifetime Wellness

(Only if Swimming Proficiency is met by passing proficiency)

 ENG 253: American Rhetoric (Prereq: ENG 103) 

MAT; 3–5 hours of any Math course except MAT 013

(MAT 133: College Algebra or MAT 1335: College Albegra with Support Recommended)


Choose One Western Civilization:

HTY 153: Western Civilization I

HTY 163: Western Civilization II (Coreq: ENG 163 if possible)

 PSY 273: Educational Psychology 
 SPC 103: Public Speaking 
Fine Arts Activities: Choose 1 course (3 credits) 

ART 113: Two Dimensional Design ART 123: Drawing I

DRM 113: Intro to Theatre Technology (Fall only)

DRM 163: Vocal Training for the Stage (Fall only)

DRM 173: Movement Training for the Stage (Spring only)

DRM 193: Dance Technique I  (Fall only)

OR: Three one-hour courses from Music Ensembles (MUE), or Class Piano, Class Voice, or Class Guitar

Professional Education Courses (C- or better required)
The following courses (200 level) can be taken prior to admission to the Teacher Education Program
 EDU 200: Introduction to Clinical Practice 

EDU 253: Methods of Teaching Mathematics I

(Prereq: MAT 013 or Math ACT ≥ 22)


EDU 201: Classroom Observation

(Prereq: EDU 200 & Sophomore Status)

 EDU 263: Integrated Learning (Spring only)
 EDU 203: Psychological Development of the Child & Adolescent (Prereq: PSY 273 Educational Psych) EDU 273: Engaging Families as Education Partners

EDU 211: Classroom Participation

(Prereq: EDU 200 & EDU 201)

 EDU 283: Linking Families with Community Resources

EDU 213: The Call to Teach: An Introduction to

Teaching (Prereq: Sophomore Status and declared edu. major)


PSY 273: Educational Psychology

(General Ed Requirement)

 EDU 223: Methods of Teaching Literacy I  
The following courses (300-400 level) require admission to the Teacher Education Program
 EDU 303: Education of the Exceptional Learner EDU 383: Methods of Teaching Social Science

EDU 313: Methods of Teaching Mathematics II

(Prereq: EDU 253 Methods of Teaching Mathematics I)

 EDU 403: Early Childhood Leadership (Fall only)

EDU 323: Methods of Teaching Literacy II

(Prereq: EDU 223 Methods of Teaching Literacy I)

 EDU 413: Early Childhood Environment (Spring only)
 EDU 333: Analysis of Curriculum and Methods of Teaching (Prereq: EDU 211) EDU 423: Educational Assessment and Data- Based Decision Making

EDU 343: Methods of Teaching Literacy III

(Prereq: EDU 323 Methods of Teaching Literacy II)

 EDU 433: Early Childhood Assessment & Instruction (Spring only)

EDU 353 Instructional Interventions

(Prereq: EDU 333) (Coreq: EDU 363)

 EDU 453: Trauma Sensitive Classroom Management (Prereq: Senior Status)
 EDU 363: Methods of Teaching Literacy in the Content Fields (Coreq: EDU 353 Instruc. Interventions) 

EDU 4002 Implementation of Best Practices in

Teaching Elementary (Fall only) (Prereq: EDU 353) (Coreq: EDU 4003 Best Practices in Teaching Elementary)

 EDU 373: Methods of Teaching Science 

EDU 4003: Best Practices in Teaching Elementary

(Fall only) (Prereq: EDU 333) (Coreq: EDU 4002 Implementation of Best Practices in Teaching Elementary)

Admission to Student Teaching is required prior to taking the following courses

EDU 441: Classroom Leadership

(1 week of student teaching semester)


EDU 45V: Student Teaching

(13 weeks of student teaching semester)

X = Met in General Education Course Work

GPA Requirements

2.75 Cumulative GPA required for admission to Teacher Education Program.
3.00 Professional/Content GPA required for Student Teaching and Teacher Certification.

Other Program Requirements

Prior to enrolling in any upper division education (EDU courses) students must be accepted into the

Teacher Education (TE) Program. Requirements of the TE Program are available in the Education office or at www.cofo.edu – Academic Programs, Education Application & Checklists.

Prior to Student Teaching, students must be accepted into the Student Teaching Program. Use the same procedures listed above to locate the requirements.

English Education Major 

College of the Ozarks (2024 – 2025)


Student Name:


  Student ID #:





Advisor Name:




     Expected Graduation:




General Education Courses Required


BIO, CHE, or PHY: 4 hours of Natural Science Course  (PHY 1004: Intro to Physical Sci. Recommended) HTY 253: American Experience 
 BTS 103: Christian Worldview I CC 100: Character Camp
 BTS 4003: Christian Worldview II (Prereq. BTS 103 & 91 hrs) CC 10V: BASE Camp 

ART 103: Exploration of the Visual Arts or

MUS 103: Music or

DRM 103: Theatre

 PAT 103: Patriotic Education I

CSC 113: Fundamentals of Computer Systems or

LSC 213: Information Literacy or

Fulfilled by passing proficiency test

 PAT 401: Patriotic Education II (Prereq. PAT 103)

Choose One Composition Course:

ENG 103: College Composition I

ENG 104: College Composition with Support


PED 121: Swimming


Pass Swimming Proficiency


ENG 163: Readings in Western Civilization 

(Coreq: HTY 163 if possible)


PED 101: Lifetime Wellness 

(Only if Swimming Proficiency is met by passing proficiency) 


Choose One Composition or Rhetoric Course:

ENG 153: Writing in the Western Tradition (Prereq: ENG 103)

ENG 233: College Composition II (Prereq: ENG 103)

ENG 253: American Rhetoric (Prereq: ENG 103)

 MAT; 3–5 hours of any Math course except MAT 013 (MAT 133: College Algebra or MAT 1335: College Algebra with Support Recommended)

Choose One Western Civilization:

HTY 153: Western Civilization I

HTY 163: Western Civilization II (Coreq: ENG 163 if possible)

 PSY 273: Educational Psychology
HTY 163: Western Civilization II(Coreq: ENG 163) SPC 103: Public Speaking

Fine Arts Activities: Choose 1 course (3 credits)


ART: 113 Two Dimensional Design

ART 123: Drawing I

DRM 113: Intro to Theatre Technology (Fall only)

DRM 163: Vocal Training for the Stage (Fall only)

DRM 173: Movement Training for the Stage (Spring only)

DRM 193: Dance Techniques I  (Fall only)

 OR: Three one-hour courses from Music Ensembles (MUE), or Class Piano, Class Voice, or Class Guitar


Required Collateral Courses 


Choose 1 First Level Foreign Language

GRK 203: Grammar of the Greek New Testament I (Occ)

HEB 403: Biblical Hebrew (Occ)

LAT 103: Classical Latin (Fall even)

SPA 113: Spanish for Public Safety Professionals (Occ)

SPA 123: Spanish for Agriculture (Spring)

SPA 143: Elementary Spanish I


Choose 1 Second Level Foreign Language

GRK 213: Grammar of the Greek New Testament II (Occ) (Prereq: GRK 203)

HEB 413: Biblical Hebrew II (Occ) (Prereq: HEB 403)

LAT 113: Classical Latin II (Spring odd) (Prereq: LAT 103)

SPA 153: Elementary Spanish II (Prereq: SPA 113 or SPA 123 or SPA 143)



Choose 1 Western Civilization Elective (Whichever course NOT used to satisfy GE requirement)

HTY 153: Western Civilization I

HTY 163: Western Civilization II (Coreq: ENG 163 if possible)




Professional Education Courses (C- or better required)

The following courses (200 level) can be taken prior to admission to the Teacher Education Program

 EDU 200: Introduction to Clinical Practice EDU 211: Classroom Partic. (Prereq: EDU 200 & EDU 201)

EDU 201: Classroom Observation 

(Prereq: EDU 200 & Sophomore Status.)


EDU 213: The Call to Teach: An Intro to Teaching(Prereq: Sophomore Status and declared education major)
 EDU 203: Psychological Development of the Child & Adolescent (Prereq: PSY 273 Educational Psych)X

PSY 273: Educational Psychology

(General Ed Requirement)

The following courses (300-400 level) require admission to the Teacher Education Program

 EDU 303: Education of the Exceptional Learner EDU 423: Educational Assessment and Data-Based Decision Making
 EDU 333: Analysis of Curric. & Methods of Teaching (Prereq: EDU 211) EDU 453: Trauma Sensitive Classroom Management(Prereq: Senior Status)

EDU 353: Instructional Interventions(Prereq: EDU 333)

(Co-req: EDU 393 Methods of Teaching Literacy in Sec. Schools)

 EDU 4202: Implement. of Sec. Best Practices (Fall) (Prereq: EDU 353) (Co-req: EDU 4233 Best Practices Teaching)
 EDU 393: Methods of Teaching Literacy in the Secondary School (Co-req: EDU 353 Instruct. Interventions) 

EDU 4233: Best Practices in Teaching English(Fall) 

(Co-req. EDU 4202 Implem of Sec. Best Practices)

Admission to Student Teaching is required prior to taking the following courses


EDU 441: Classroom Leadership

(1 week of student teaching semester)


EDU 45V: Student Teaching

(13 weeks of student teaching semester)

Content Courses (C- or better required)



Choose 1 (Min. 3 credit hours)

ENG 103: College Composition

ENG 104: College Composition with Support


Choose 3 (9 credit hours total)

ENG 273: Survey of American Lit. I (Spring-Odd) 

ENG 283: Survey of American Lit. II (Spring-Even)

ENG 243: Survey of British Lit. I (Fall-Even) 

ENG 263: Survey of British Lit. II (Fall-Odd)

 ENG 203: Foundations of Literary Studies (Fall)


ENG 253: American Rhetoric (Prereq: ENG 103)


ENG 383: Adolescent Literature. (Fall-Even) 

ENG 3003: Classical & Christian Epics 

(Spring)(Prereq: ENG 203)


ENG 393: Advanced Grammar (Spring-Even) 

Choose 1 (3 credit hours total)

ENG 3013: American Drama (Fall-Odd)(Prereq: ENG 203) 

ENG 3023: The American Novel(Fall-Even)(Prereq: ENG 203)

ENG 463: Shakespeare’s Tragedies & Histories

(Spring-Even) (Prereq: ENG 203)

ENG 473: Shakespeare’s Comedies & Romances(Spring-Odd)(Prereq: ENG 203)


ENG 413: Teaching Composition (Spring-Odd)


ENG 423: History of English Language 

(Spring-Odd)(Prereq: ENG 393)


EDU 4233: Best Practices in Teaching English(Fall) (Coreq. EDU 4202 Implem.of Sec. Best Practices)(Prereq: EDU 333)

X = Met elsewhere in course work

Additional Courses Required for English Education Majors


Choose 1 (3 credit hours total)

ENG 323: Creative Writing: Nonfiction (Fall-Odd)

ENG 343: Creative Writing: Poetry (Spring-Even)

ENG 353: Creative Writing: Fiction (Fall-Even)

ENG 433: The Philosophy of Literature (Fall-Odd)(Prereq: ENG 203)


Choose 1 (3 credit hours total)

ENG 443: Seminar (Prereq: ENG 203) (Offered every semester unless the ENG 453 is offered)

ENG 453: Seminar in Rhetoric (Occ)


 ENG 401: Portfolio (To be arranged with advisor)  

Other Program Requirements

Prior to enrolling in any upper division education (EDU courses) students must be accepted into the Teacher Education (TE) Program.  Requirements of the TE Program are available in the Education office or at www.cofo.edu – Academic Programs, Education Application & Checklists.
Prior to Student Teaching, students must be accepted into the Student Teaching Program.   Use the same procedures listed above to locate the requirements.

GPA Requirements

2.75 Cumulative GPA required for admission to Teacher Education Program.
3.00 Professional GPA required for admission to Student Teaching & Teacher Certification.
3.00 Content GPA required for Student Teaching and Teacher Certification.









Instrumental Music Education Major

College of the Ozarks (2024 – 2025)

Student Name:

                                Student ID #:



Advisor Name:




                    Expected Graduation:



General Education Courses Required 

BIO, CHE, or PHY: 4 hours of Natural Science Course

(PHY 1004: Intro to Physical Science recommended)

 CC 100: Character Camp 
 BTS 103: Christian Worldview I 


CC 10V: BASE Camp

 BTS 4003: Christian Worldview II (Req. BTS 103 & 91 hrs) 

ART 103: Exploration of the Visual Arts or MUS 103: Music or

DRM 103: Theatre



PAT 103: Patriotic Education I


CSC 113: Fundamentals of Computer Systems or LSC 213: Information Literacy or

Fulfilled by passing proficiency test



PAT 401: Patriotic Education II (Prereq. PAT 103)


Choose One Composition Course:

ENG 103: College Composition I

ENG 104: College Composition with Support


PED 121: Swimming or

Pass Swimming Proficiency


ENG 163: Readings in Western Civilization

(Coreq: HTY 163 if possible)


PED 101: Lifetime Wellness

(Only if Swimming Proficiency is met by passing proficiency)

 ENG 253: American Rhetoric (Prereq: ENG 103) 

MAT 133: College Algebra (recommended) or

MAT 1335: College Algebra with Support


Choose One Western Civilization:

HTY 153: Western Civilization I

HTY 163: Western Civilization II (Coreq: ENG 163 if possible)

 PSY 273: Educational Psychology 
 SPC 103: Public Speaking 
 HTY 253: American Experience Fine Arts Activities met Music Ens./Voice/Piano (3 hrs) 
Required Collateral Courses

Choose 1 First Level Spanish

SPA 113: Spanish for Public Safety (Offered Occasionally)

SPA 123: Spanish for Agriculture (Spring)

SPA 143: Elementary Spanish

 SPA 153: Elementary Spanish II (Prereq: SPA 113 or SPA 123 or SPA 143)
Professional Education Courses (C- or better required)
The following courses (200 level) can be taken prior to admission to the Teacher Education Program
 EDU 200: Introduction to Clinical Practice EDU 211: Classroom Participation (Prereq: EDU 200 & EDU 201)

EDU 201: Classroom Observation

(Prereq: EDU 200 & Sophomore Status.)


EDU 213: The Call to Teach: An Intro to Teaching

(Prereq: Sophomore Status and declared education major)

 EDU 203: Psychological Development of the Child & Adolescent (Prereq: PSY 273 Educational Psych)X

PSY 273: Educational Psychology

(General Ed Requirement)

The following courses (300-400 level) require admission to the Teacher Education Program
 EDU 303: Education of the Exceptional Learner EDU 423: Educational Assessment and Data-Based Decision Making

EDU 333: Analysis of Curric. & Methods of Teaching

(Prereq: EDU 211)

 EDU 453: Trauma Sensitive Classroom Management (Prereq: Senior Status)
 EDU 353 Instructional Interventions (Prereq: EDU 333) (Coreq: EDU 393 Methods of Teaching Literacy in Sec. Schools) 

EDU 4102 Implementation of K-12 Best Practices

(Fall)(Prereq: EDU 353) (Coreq: EDU 4104)

 EDU 393: Methods of Teaching Literacy in the Secondary School (Co-req: EDU 353 Instr. Interventions) EDU 4104: Best Practices Teaching Instrumental & Vocal (Fall) (Coreq: EDU 4102 Implem. of K-12 Best Practices)
Admission to Student Teaching is required prior to taking the following courses

EDU 441: Classroom Leadership

(1 week of student teaching semester)


EDU 45V: Student Teaching

(13 weeks of student teaching semester)

Content Courses (C- or better required)
 MUS 200: Sophomore Proficiency (Spring)(Coreq: MUS 213) MUS 392: Instrum. Methods – Woodwinds (Fall Odd)
 MUS 203 Music Theory I (Fall) MUS 452 Orchestration (Fall Odd) (Prereq MUS 213)
 MUS 213: Music Theory II (Spring)(Pre: MUS 203)(Coreq: MUS 200) 

Advanced Theory Elective (2 credits & prereq MUS 213)

MUS 422 Electronic Music(Occ) or MUS 432: Post-Tonal Theory (Fall Even) or

MUS 442: Counterpoint (Spring Odd)


MUS 462: Music Since 1945 (Occ.) or

MUS 472: Form and Analysis  (Spring-Even)

 MUS 222: Aural Skills I (Fall) 
 MUS 232: Aural Skills II (Spring) (Prereq: MUS 222)
 MUS 312: Music History I (Fall) (Jr. or Sr. & MUS 213)
 MUS 322: Music History II (Spring) (Jr./ Sr. & MUS 213)
 MUS 343: Conducting I (Fall Odd)MUA 111: Class Piano 1 (Or proficiency test out)
 MUS 353: Conducting II (Spring Even)(Pre: MUS 343) MUA 121: Class Piano 2 (Or proficiency) (Prereq: MUA 111)
 MUS 362: Instrumental Methods – Brass (Fall Even) MUA 161: Class Piano 3 (Or proficiency) (Prereq: MUA 121)
 MUS 372: Instrum. Methods – Percussion (Spring Odd) MUA 171: Class Piano 4 (Always required) (Prereq: MUA 161)
 MUS 382 Instrumental Methods – Strings (Spring Even) 

Choose Six Credits of Ensemble Electives MUE 101: Concert Band

MUE 161: Jazz Band

MUE 191: Orchestra (Permission)

MUE 301: Concert Band MUE 361: Jazz Band MUE 391: Orchestra


MUA: Applied Instrumental (Same Instrument) (6 credit hours)

MUA 100: Recital Attendance

MUA 491: Senior Recital (Need Permission)


X = Met in General Education Course Work


GPA Requirements

2.75 Cumulative GPA required for admission to Teacher Education Program.
3.00 Professional GPA required for admission to Student Teaching & Teacher Certification.
3.00 Content GPA required for Student Teaching and Teacher Certification.

Other Program Requirements

Prior to enrolling in any upper division education (EDU courses) students must be accepted into the Teacher Education (TE) Program.

Requirements of the TE Program are available in the Education office or at www.cofo.edu – Academic Programs, Education Application & Checklists.

Prior to Student Teaching, students must be accepted into the Student Teaching Program. Use the same procedures listed above to locate the requirements.


Mathematics/Secondary Education Major

College of the Ozarks (2024 – 2025)


Student Name:


                                         Student ID #:




Advisor Name:




Expected Graduation:



General Education Courses Required for the Secondary Education Major

BIO, CHE, or PHY: 4 hours of Natural Science Course

(PHY 1004: Intro to Physical Sci. Recommended)

 HTY 253: American Experience
 BTS 103: Christian Worldview I CC 100: Character Camp
 BTS 4003: Christian Worldview II (Prereq. BTS 103 & 91 hrs) CC 10V: BASE Camp

ART 103: Exploration of the Visual Arts or MUS 103: Music or

DRM 103: Theatre



PAT 103: Patriotic Education I

 CSC 113: Fundamentals of Computer Systems PAT 401: Patriotic Education II (Prereq. PAT 103)

Choose One Composition Course:

ENG 103: College Composition I

ENG 104: College Composition with Support


PED 121: Swimming or

Pass Swimming Proficiency


ENG 163: Readings in Western Civilization

(Coreq: HTY 163 if possible)


PED 101: Lifetime Wellness

(Only if Swimming Proficiency is met by passing proficiency)

 ENG 253: American Rhetoric (Prereq: ENG 103) 

MAT 135 Discrete Mathematics & Trig

(Prereq: MAT 133, MAT 1335, or Math ACT ≥ 25)


Choose One Western Civilization:

HTY 153: Western Civilization I

HTY 163: Western Civilization II (Coreq: ENG 163 if possible)

 PSY 273: Educational Psychology
 SPC 103: Public Speaking
Fine Arts Activities: Choose 1 course (3 credits)

ART: 113 Two Dimensional Design ART 123: Drawing I

DRM 113: Intro to Theatre Technology (Fall only)

DRM 163: Vocal Training for the Stage (Fall only)

DRM 173: Movement Training for the Stage (Spring only)

DRM 193: Dance Technique I  (Fall only)

OR: Three one-hour courses from Music Ensembles (MUE), or Class Piano, Class Voice, or Class Guitar
Professional Education Courses (C- or better required)
The following courses (200 level) can be taken prior to admission to the Teacher Education Program
 EDU 200: Introduction to Clinical Practice 

EDU 211: Classroom Participation

(Prereq: EDU 200 & EDU 201)


EDU 201: Classroom Observation

(Prereq: EDU 200 & Sophomore Status.)


EDU 213: The Call to Teach: An Intro to Teaching

(Prereq: Sophomore Status and declared education major)

 EDU 203: Psychological Development of the Child & Adolescent (Prereq: PSY 273 Educational Psych)X

PSY 273: Educational Psychology

(General Ed Requirement)

The following courses (300-400 level) require admission to the Teacher Education Program
 EDU 303: Education of the Exceptional Learner EDU 423: Educational Assessment and Data- Based Decision Making

EDU 333: Analysis of Curric. & Methods of Teaching

(Prereq: EDU 211)

 EDU 453: Trauma Sensitive Classroom Management (Prereq: Senior Status)
 EDU 353 Instructional Interventions (Prereq: EDU 333) (Coreq: EDU 393 Methods of Teaching Literacy in Sec. Schools) EDU 4202 Implement. of Sec. Best Practices (Fall) (Prereq: EDU 353) (Coreq: EDU 4243 Best Practices Teaching)
 EDU 393: Methods of Teaching Literacy in the Secondary School (Coreq: EDU 353 Instruct. Interventions) 

EDU 4243: Best Practices Teaching Mathematics

(Fall) (Coreq: EDU 4202 Implem. of Sec. Best Practices)

Admission to Student Teaching is required prior to taking the following courses

EDU 441: Classroom Leadership

(1 week of student teaching semester)


EDU 45V: Student Teaching

(13 weeks of student teaching semester)

Content Courses (C- or better required) 

CSC 133: Programming Fundamentals I

(Prereq MAT 133 or higher)

 MAT 333: Linear Algebra (Spring) (Prereq: MAT 205) 

MAT 175: Calculus I

(Prereq: MAT 133 or Math 1335 and MAT 153 or MAT 135, minimum ACT Math 27, minimum SAT

Math 640, or minimum CLT Math 26)

 MAT 343: Probability & Statistics (Fall) (Prereq: MAT 305) 

MAT 353: Numerical Analysis (Spring-Even) (Prereq: MAT 205 and either CSC 133 or ENR 1123) or

MAT 373: Number Theory (Spring-odd) (Prereq: MAT 135)


MAT 205: Calculus II

(Prereq: MAT 175)


MAT 305: Calculus III

(Prereq: MAT 205)

 MAT 403: Intro to Real Analysis (Spring) (Prereq: MAT 135 & MAT 305) 
 MAT 323: Geometry (Fall-odd) (Prereq: MAT 135 & MAT 175) MAT 433: Intro to Abstract Algebra (Fall-Even) (Prereq: MAT 135 & MAT 305) 

X = Met in General Education Course Work

Additional Course Required for Secondary Math Education Majors
 MAT 135 Discrete Mathematics & Trig (Prereq: MAT 133 or MAT 1335 or Math ACT ≥ 25)
 MAT 453: Great Ideas in Math (Fall)(Prereq: MAT 403 & MAT 433)

GPA Requirements

2.75 Cumulative GPA required for admission to Teacher Education Program.
3.00 Professional GPA required for admission to Student Teaching & Teacher Certification.
3.00 Content GPA required for Student Teaching and Teacher Certification.

Other Program Requirements

Prior to enrolling in any upper division education (EDU courses) students must be accepted into the

Teacher Education (TE) Program. Requirements of the TE Program are available in the Education office or at www.cofo.edu – Academic Programs, Education Application & Checklists.

Prior to Student Teaching, students must be accepted into the Student Teaching Program. Use the same procedures listed above to locate the requirements.


Physical Education Major

College of the Ozarks (2024 – 2025)

Student Name:                  Student ID #: 


Advisor Name:




Expected Graduation:



General Education Courses Required 

BIO, CHE, or PHY: 4 hours of Natural Science Course

(PHY 1004: Intro to Physical Science recommended)

 HTY 253: American Experience 
 BTS 103: Christian Worldview I CC 100: Character Camp 
 BTS 4003: Christian Worldview II (Prereq. BTS 103 & 91 hrs) CC 10V: BASE Camp 

ART 103: Exploration of the Visual Arts or MUS 103: Music or

DRM 103: Theatre



PAT 103: Patriotic Education I


CSC 113: Fundamentals of Computer Systems or LSC 213: Information Literacy or

Fulfilled by passing proficiency test



PAT 401: Patriotic Education II (Prereq. PAT 103)


ENG 103: College Composition I or

ENG 104: College Composition with Support


PED 121: Swimming or

Pass Swimming Proficiency


ENG 163: Readings in Western Civilization

(Coreq: HTY 163 if possible)


PED 101: Lifetime Wellness

(Only if Swimming Proficiency is met by passing proficiency)

 ENG 253: American Rhetoric (Prereq: ENG 103) 

MAT 133: College Algebra (Recommended) or

MAT 1335: College Algebra with Support


Choose One Western Civilization:

HTY 153: Western Civilization I

HTY 163: Western Civilization II (Coreq: ENG 163 if possible)

 PSY 273: Educational Psychology 
 SPC 103: Public Speaking 
Fine Arts Activities: Choose 1 course (3 credits) 

ART: 113 Two Dimensional Design ART 123: Drawing I

DRM 113: Intro to Theatre Technology (Fall)


DRM 163: Vocal Training for the Stage (Fall)

DRM 173: Movement Training for the Stage (Spring)

DRM 193: Dance Techniques I (Fall)


OR: Three one-hour courses from Music Ensembles (MUE), or Class Piano, Class Voice, or Class Guitar


Professional Education Courses (C- or better required)
The following courses (200 level) can be taken prior to admission to the Teacher Education Program
 EDU 200: Introduction to Clinical Practice 

EDU 211: Classroom Participation

(Prereq: EDU 200 & EDU 201)


EDU 201: Classroom Observation

(Prereq: EDU 200 & Sophomore Status.)


EDU 213: The Call to Teach: An Intro to Teaching

(Prereq: Sophomore Status and declared education major)

 EDU 203: Psychological Development of the Child & Adolescent (Prereq: PSY 273 Educational Psych)X

PSY 273: Educational Psychology

(General Ed Requirement)

The following courses (300-400 level) require admission to the Teacher Education Program
 EDU 303: Education of the Exceptional Learner EDU 423: Educational Assessment and Data- Based Decision Making

EDU 333: Analysis of Curric. & Methods of Teaching

(Prereq: EDU 211)

 EDU 453: Trauma Sensitive Classroom Management (Prereq: Senior Status)
 EDU 353 Instructional Interventions (Prereq: EDU 333) (Coreq: EDU 393 Methods of Teaching Literacy in Sec. Schools) 

EDU 4102 Implementation of K-12 Best Practices

(Fall)(Prereq: EDU 353)(Coreq: EDU 4114 Best Practices Teaching Physical Education)


EDU 393: Methods of Teaching Literacy in the

Secondary School (Coreq: EDU 353 Instructional Interventions)


EDU 4114: Best Practices in Teaching K-12 Physical Education (Fall)

(Coreq: EDU 4102 Implem. of K-12 Best Practices)

Admission to Student Teaching is required prior to taking the following courses

EDU 441: Classroom Leadership

(1 week of student teaching semester)


EDU 45V: Student Teaching

(13 weeks of student teaching semester)

Content Courses (C- or better required)
 FCN 203: Contemporary Nutrition PED 293: Human Anatomy & Physiology (Fall) (Prereq: PED 113)
 PED 113: Intro to History & Philosophical Principles of Physical Education PED 313: Health Related Fitness/Wellness (Fall) (Prereq: PED 113)
 PED 193: Movement & Rhythms (Fall-Even) (Prereq: PED 113) PED 333: Measurement & Eval. in PE (Spring-Even) (Prereq: MAT 123 & PED 113)
 PED 203: Motor Learning (Spring)(Prereq: PED 113) PED 343: Lifetime Activities/Dance (Prereq: PED 113)
 PED 263: Methods of Adapted PE (Spring-Even) (Prereq: PED 113) 

PED 395: Care & Prevention of Athletic Injuries

(Spring)(Prereq: PED 113 & PED 274 or Coaching Minor)

 PED 271: First Aid & CPR/AED (Fall-Even) (Prereq: PED 113 or coaching minor) 

PED 423: Team & Individual Sport Instruction

(Spring-Odd)(Prereq: PED 113 or Coaching Minor)

 PED 273: Psychology & Sociological Aspects of Sports (Spring-Odd)(Prereq: PED 113 or coaching minor) PED 453: Physiology of Exercise (Fall)(Prereq: PED 113)
 PED 274: Structural Kinesiology (Fall)(Prereq: PED 113 or coaching minor)  

X = Met in General Education Course Work

Additional Course Required for Physical Education Majors
 PED 361: Junior Seminar (Fall)

GPA Requirements

2.75 Cumulative GPA required for admission to Teacher Education Program.
3.00 Professional GPA required for admission to Student Teaching & Teacher Certification.
3.00 Content GPA required for Student Teaching and Teacher Certification.

Other Program Requirements

Prior to enrolling in any upper division education (EDU courses) students must be accepted into the Teacher Education (TE) Program. Requirements of the TE Program are available in the Education office or at www.cofo.edu – Academic Programs, Education Application & Checklists.
Prior to Student Teaching, students must be accepted into the Student Teaching Program. Use the same procedures listed above to locate the requirements.

Social Science Education

Grades 9-12

College of the Ozarks (2024– 2025)

Student Name:                           Student ID #: 


Advisor Name:




            Expected Graduation:



General Education Courses Required 

BIO, CHE, or PHY: 4 hours of Natural Science Course

(PHY 1004: Intro. to Physical Sci. Recommended)

 HTY 253: American Experience 
 BTS 103: Christian Worldview I CC 100: Character Camp 
 BTS 4003: Christian Worldview II (Prereq. BTS 103 & 91 hrs) CC 10V: BASE Camp 

ART 103: Exploration of the Visual Arts or MUS 103: Music or

DRM 103: Theatre



PAT 103: Patriotic Education I

 LSC 213: Information Literacy PAT 401: Patriotic Education II 

ENG 103: College Composition I or

ENG 104: College Composition with Support


PED 121: Swimming or

Pass Swimming Proficiency


ENG 163: Readings in Western Civilization

(Coreq: HTY 163 if possible)


PED 101: Lifetime Wellness

(Only if Swimming Proficiency is met by passing proficiency)

 ENG 253: American Rhetoric (Prereq: ENG 103) 

MAT; 3–5 hours of any Math course except MAT 013

(MAT 123, MAT 133, MAT 1335: College Algebra with Support



Both courses are required for SS Education Majors

HTY 153: Western Civilization I

HTY 163: Western Civilization II (Coreq: ENG 163 if possible)

 PSY 273: Educational Psychology 
 SPC 103: Public Speaking 
Fine Arts Activities: Choose 1 course (3 credits) 

ART: 113 Two Dimensional Design ART 123: Drawing I

DRM 113: Intro to Theatre Technology (Fall only)

DRM 163: Vocal Training for the Stage (Fall only)

DRM 173: Movement Training for the Stage (Spring only)

DRM 193: Dance Technique I (Fall only)

OR: Three one-hour courses from Music Ensembles (MUE), or Class Piano, Class Voice, or Class Guitar 

Required Collateral Courses


Choose 1 First Level Foreign Language

GRK 203: Grammar of the Greek New Testament I


HEB 403: Biblical Hebrew (Occ)

LAT 103: Classical Latin (Fall-even)

SPA 113: Spanish for Public Safety Professionals (Occ)

SPA 123: Spanish for Agriculture (Spring)

SPA 143: Elementary Spanish I









Choose 1 Second Level Foreign Language GRK 213: Grammar of the Greek New Testament II (Occ)(Prereq: GRK 203)

HEB 413: Biblical Hebrew II (Occ) (Prereq: HEB 403)

LAT 113: Classical Latin II (Spring-odd) (Prereq: LAT 103) SPA 153: Elementary Spanish II (Prereq: SPA 113 or SPA 123 or SPA 143)

Professional Education Courses (C- or better required)
The following courses (200 level) can be taken prior to admission to the Teacher Education Program
 EDU 200: Introduction to Clinical Practice 

EDU 211: Classroom Participation

(Prereq: EDU 200 & EDU 201)


EDU 201: Classroom Observation

(Prereq: EDU 200 & Sophomore Status.)


EDU 213: The Call to Teach: An Intro to Teaching

(Prereq: Sophomore Status and declared education major)


EDU 203: Psychological Development of the Child &

Adolescent (Prereq: PSY 273 Educational Psych)


PSY 273: Educational Psychology

(General Ed Requirement)

The following courses (300-400 level) require admission to the Teacher Education Program
 EDU 303: Education of the Exceptional Learner 

EDU 423: Educational Assessment and Data-

Based Decision Making


EDU 333: Analysis of Curric. & Methods of Teaching

(Prereq: EDU 211)


EDU 453: Trauma Sensitive Classroom

Management (Prereq: Senior Status)

 EDU 353 Instructional Interventions (Prereq: EDU 333) (Coreq: EDU 393 Methods of Teaching Literacy in Sec. Schools) EDU 4202 Implement. of Sec. Best Practices (Fall) (Prereq: EDU 353) (Coreq: EDU 4253 Best Practices Teaching)

EDU 393: Methods of Teaching Literacy in the

Secondary School (Coreq: EDU 353 Instruct. Interventions)


EDU 4253: Best Practices Teaching Social Science

(Fall) (Coreq: EDU 4202 Implem. of Sec. Best Practices)

Admission to Student Teaching is required prior to taking the following courses

EDU 441: Classroom Leadership

(1 week of student teaching semester)


EDU 45V: Student Teaching

(13 weeks of student teaching semester)


Content Courses (C- or better required) 
 ECN 203: Macroeconomics OR ECN 213: Microeconomics HTY 403: Seminar (Spring)(Prereq: HTY 213) 
 POL 103: American National Government (Fall) 
 FAM 103: Intro to Sociology 

POL 113: American State & Local Government


 HTY 203 World Regional Geography (Fall) 
 PSY 103: Intro to Psychology 
 HTY 213: Intro to Historical Research (Spring) (Prereq: 2 of the following HTY 253, HTY 153, HTY 163) 

World History (HTE)(Choose 3 Courses) HTE 303: Ancient Greece (Fall-Even)

HTE 313: Ancient Rome (Fall-Odd)

HTE 323: Medieval Europe (Spring-Even)

HTE 333: History of the Christian Church (Fall)

HTE 343: Renaissance & Reformation (Fall-Even)

HTE 353: Early Modern Europe,1648-1789(Spring-Odd)  HTE 363: 19th Century Europe, 1789-1914(Fall-Odd) HTE 373: Europe since 1914 (Spring-Even)

HTE 403: Islam & the Christian Church (Spring-Odd) HTE 413: Britain & Empire, 1500-present (Fall-Odd) HTA 423: The Atlantic World, 1500-1850 (Fall-Even)

XHTY 253: American Experience  

US History (HTA)(Choose 3 Courses) HTA 303: Colonial America (Fall-Even)

HTA 313: United States, 1789-1848 (Spring-Odd)

HTA 323: Civil War (Fall-Odd)

HTA 333 United States, 1865-1914(Spring-Even)  HTA 343: United States, 1915-1964 (Spring-Odd) HTA 353: United States, 1964-present (Fall-Odd) HTA 403: United States in Vietnam (Fall-Even) HTA 413: Civil Rights Movement (Spring-Even)  HTA 423: The Atlantic World, 1500-1850 (Fall-Even)

 HTY 461: The Historian's Vocation (Prereq: permission) 

X = Met elsewhere in coursework

GPA Requirements

2.75 Cumulative GPA required for admission to Teacher Education Program.
3.00 Professional GPA required for admission to Student Teaching & Teacher Certification.
3.00 Content GPA required for Student Teaching and Teacher Certification.

Other Program Requirements

Prior to enrolling in any upper division education (EDU courses) students must be accepted into the Teacher Education (TE) Program. Requirements of the TE Program are available in the Education office or at www.cofo.edu – Academic Programs, Education Application & Checklists.
Prior to Student Teaching, students must be accepted into the Student Teaching Program. Use the same procedures listed above to locate the requirements.

Speech/Theatre Education Major

College of the Ozarks (2024 – 2025)


Student Name:


               Student ID #:





Advisor Name:



      Expected Graduation:




General Education Courses Required


BIO, CHE, or PHY: 4 hours of Natural Science Course  (PHY 1004: Intro to Physical Sci. Recommended) HTY 253: American Experience 
 BTS 103: Christian Worldview I CC 100: Character Camp
 BTS 4003: Christian Worldview II (Prereq. BTS 103 & 91 hrs) CC 10V: BASE Camp 

Choose One:

ART 103: Exploration of the Visual Arts 

MUS 103: Music

DRM 103: Theatre

 PAT 103: Patriotic Education I

CSC 113: Fundamentals of Computer Systems or

LSC 213: Information Literacy or

Fulfilled by passing proficiency test

 PAT 401: Patriotic Education II (Prereq. PAT 103)

Choose One Composition Course:

ENG 103: College Composition I


ENG 104: College Composition with Support


PED 121: Swimming


Pass Swimming Proficiency


ENG 163: Readings in Western Civilization 

(Coreq: HTY 163 if possible)


PED 101: Lifetime Wellness 

(Only if Swimming Proficiency is met by passing proficiency) 


Choose One Composition or Rhetoric Course:

ENG 233: College Composition II (Prereq: ENG 103)

ENG 253: American Rhetoric (Prereq: ENG 103)

 MAT; 3–5 hours of any Math course except MAT 013 (MAT 133: College Algebra or MAT 1335: College Algebra with Support Recommended)

Choose One Western Civilization:

HTY 153: Western Civilization I

HTY 163: Western Civilization II (Coreq: ENG 163 if possible)

 PSY 273: Educational Psychology
HTY 163: Western Civilization II(Coreq: ENG 163) SPC 103: Public Speaking

Fine Arts Activities: Choose 1 course (3 credits)


ART: 113 Two Dimensional Design

ART 123: Drawing I

DRM 113: Intro to Theatre Technology (Fall only)

DRM 163: Vocal Training for the Stage (Fall only)

DRM 173: Movement Training for the Stage (Spring only)

DRM 193: Dance Techniques I  (Fall only)

 OR: Three one-hour courses from Music Ensembles (MUE), or Class Piano, Class Voice, or Class Guitar

Collateral Courses Required

 MUA 101: Class Voice (Fall) (2 hours required. May take 2 hours of beginning Class Voice if necessary, depending upon ability) MUA 201: Voice (Prereq: permission)

Choose 1 First Level Spanish: 

SPA 113: Spanish for Public Safety (occasionally) 

SPA 123: Spanish for Agriculture (Spring) 

SPA 143: Elementary Spanish  


SPA 153: Elementary Spanish II (Prereq: SPA 113 or SPA 123 or SPA 143 or proficiency)


Professional Education Courses (C- or better required)

The following courses (200 level) can be taken prior to admission to the Teacher Education Program


EDU 201: Classroom Observation 

(Prereq: Sophomore Status)

 EDU 213: The Call to Teach: An Intro to Teaching (Prereq: Sophomore Status)
 EDU 203: Psychological Development of the Child & Adolescent (Prereq: PSY 273 Educational Psych)


PSY 273: Educational Psychology 

(General Ed Requirement)

 EDU 211: Classroom Participation (Prereq: EDU 201)  

The following courses (300-400 level) require admission to the Teacher Education Program

 EDU 303: Education of the Exceptional Learner EDU 423: Educational Assessment and Data-Based Decision Making
 EDU 333: Analysis of Curric. & Methods of Teaching (Prereq: EDU 211) EDU 453: Trauma Sensitive Classroom Management (Prereq: Senior Status)

EDU 353 Instructional Interventions (Prereq: EDU 333)

(Coreq: EDU 393 Methods of Teaching Literacy in Sec. Schools)

 EDU 4202 Implement. of Sec. Best Practices (Fall) (Prereq: EDU 353) (Coreq: EDU 4263 Best Practices Teaching)
 EDU 393: Methods of Teaching Literacy in the Secondary School (Coreq: EDU 353 Instruct. Interventions) EDU 4263: Best Practices Teaching Speech & Theatre (Fall)(Coreq: EDU 4202 Sec. Best Practices)

Admission to Student Teaching is required prior to taking the following courses


EDU 441: Classroom Leadership

(1 week of student teaching semester)


EDU 45V: Student Teaching

(13 weeks of student teaching semester)

Content Courses (C- or better required)


DRM 103: Exploration of Theatre 

DRM 443: Directing I (Fall) or

DRM 453: Directing II (Spring)

(Prereq: DRM 443 or permission)


DRM 113: Intro to Theatre Tech (Fall) MCC 103: Foundations of Mass Media


DRM 163: Vocal Training for the Stage (Fall) MCC 403: Communication Law & Ethics (Spring)(Prereq: MCC 103)
 DRM 223 Dramatic Structure & Analysis (Fall-Odd)XSPC 103: Public Speaking
 DRM 313: Costuming & Makeup (Fall-Odd)(Prereq: DRM 113) SPC 203: Interpersonal Communication (Fall)

DRM 333: History of Western Theatre (Fall-Even) or

DRM 363: Music Theatre History (Spring-Odd)


SPC 333: Persuasive Speaking (Spring)

(Prereq: SPC 103)


DRM 373 Acting I (Fall-odd)

(Prereq: DRM 163, 173)


SPC 343: Argumentation & Debate 

(Spring-Odd)(Prereq: SPC 103)

 DRM 383: Business of the Performing Arts (Spring-Even)  

X = Met in General Education Course Work

GPA Requirements

2.75 Cumulative GPA required for admission to Teacher Education Program.
3.00 Content GPA required for admission to Student Teaching & Teacher Certification.
3.00 Professional GPA required for Student Teaching and Teacher Certification.

Other Program Requirements

Prior to enrolling in any upper division education (EDU courses) students must be accepted into the Teacher Education (TE) Program.  Requirements of the TE Program are available in the Education office or at www.cofo.edu – Academic Programs, Education Application & Checklists.
Prior to Student Teaching, students must be accepted into the Student Teaching Program.  Use the same procedures listed above to locate the requirements.

Vocal Music Education Major

College of the Ozarks (2024 – 2025)

Student Name:

                                        Student ID #:



Advisor Name:



                             Expected Graduation:



General Education Courses Required 

BIO, CHE, or PHY: 4 hours of Natural Science Course

(PHY 1004: Intro to Physical Science recommended)

 CC 100: Character Camp 
 BTS 103: Christian Worldview I CC 10V: BASE Camp 
 BTS 4003: Christian Worldview II (Prereq. BTS 103 & 91 hrs) PAT 103: Patriotic Education I 

ART 103: Exploration of the Visual Arts or MUS 103: Music or

DRM 103: Theatre



PAT 401: Patriotic Education II (Prereq. PAT 103)


CSC 113: Fundamentals of Computer Systems or LSC 213: Information Literacy or

Fulfilled by passing proficiency test


PED 121: Swimming or

Pass Swimming Proficiency


ENG 103: College Composition I or

ENG 104: College Composition with Support


PED 101: Lifetime Wellness

(Only if Swimming Proficiency is met by passing proficiency)


ENG 163: Readings in Western Civilization

(Coreq: HTY 163 if possible)


MAT 133: College Algebra or

MAT 1335: College Algebra with Support

 ENG 253: American Rhetoric (Prereq: ENG 103) 
 PSY 273: Educational Psychology 

Choose One Western Civilization:

HTY 153: Western Civilization I

HTY 163: Western Civilization II (Coreq: ENG 163 if possible)

 SPC 103: Public Speaking 
 HTY 253: American Experience Fine Arts Activities – met Music Ens./Voice/Piano (3 hrs) 
Required Collateral Courses

Choose 1 First Level Spanish

SPA 113: Spanish for Public Safety (Offered Occasionally)

SPA 123: Spanish for Agriculture (Spring)

SPA 143: Elementary Spanish

 SPA 153: Elementary Spanish II (Prereq: SPA 113 or SPA 123 or SPA 143)
Professional Education Courses (C- or better required)
The following courses (200 level) can be taken prior to admission to the Teacher Education Program
 EDU 200: Introduction to Clinical Practice 

EDU 211: Classroom Participation

(Prereq: EDU 200 & EDU 201)


EDU 201: Classroom Observation

(Prereq: EDU 200 & Sophomore Status.)

 EDU 213: The Call to Teach: An Intro to Teaching (Prereq: Sophomore Status and declared education major)
 EDU 203: Psychological Development of the Child & Adolescent (Prereq: PSY 273 Educational Psych)X

PSY 273: Educational Psychology

(General Ed Requirement)

The following courses (300-400 level) require admission to the Teacher Education Program
 EDU 303: Education of the Exceptional Learner EDU 423: Educational Assessment and Data-Based Decision Making

EDU 333: Analysis of Curric. & Methods of Teaching

(Prereq: EDU 211)


EDU 453: Trauma Sensitive Classroom Management

(Prereq: Senior Status)

 EDU 353 Instructional Interventions (Prereq: EDU 333) (Coreq: EDU 393 Methods of Teaching Literacy in Sec. Schools) 

EDU 4102 Implementation of K-12 Best Practices

(Fall)(Prereq: EDU 353)(Coreq: EDU 4104 Best Practices Teaching Instrum. & Vocal)

 EDU 393: Methods of Teaching Literacy in the Secondary School (Co-req: EDU 353 Instructional Interventions) 

EDU 4104: Best Practices Teaching Instrumental & Vocal

(Fall)(Coreq: EDU 4102 Implem.of K-12 Best Practices)

Admission to Student Teaching is required prior to taking the following courses

EDU 441: Classroom Leadership

(1 week of student teaching semester)


EDU 45V: Student Teaching

(13 weeks of student teaching semester)


Content Courses (C- or better required)

 MUS 200: Sophomore Proficiency  (Spring) (Coreq: MUS 213) MUS 343: Conducting I (Fall Odd)
 MUS 203: Music Theory I (Fall) 

MUS 353: Conducting II (Spring Even)(Prereq: MUS 343)(Coreq: MUE 111, MUE 311, or MUE 101, MUE 301, or MUE 191,

MUE 391)

 MUS 213: Music Theory II (Spring)(Prereq: MUS 203) (Coreq: MUS 200) MUS 452: Orchestration (Fall Odd) (Prereq MUS 213)
 MUS 222: Aural Skills I (Fall) MUA 111: Class Piano 1
 MUS 223: Diction For Singers (Spring-Even) MUA 121: Class Piano 2 (Prereq: MUA 111)
 MUS 232: Aural Skills II (Spring)(Prereq: MUS 222) MUA 161: Class Piano 3 (Prereq: MUA 121)
 MUS 312: Music History I (Fall) (Jr./ Sr. & MUS 213) MUA 171: Class Piano 4 (Always required)(Prereq: MUA 161)
 MUS 313: Vocal Pedagogy (Fall-Even) MUA: Applied/Class Voice (8 credit hours)
 MUS 322: Music History II (Spring) (Jr./ Sr. & MUS 213) MUE: Major Vocal Ensemble (8 credit hours)

Advanced Theory Elective

(2 credit hours needed)(Prereq for all: MUS 213) MUS 422 Electronic Music (Occasionally offered) or MUS 432: Post-Tonal Theory (Fall Even) or

MUS 442: Counterpoint (Spring Odd) or

MUS 462: Music Since 1945 (Occ. offered) or MUS 472: Form and Analysis (Spring Even)


Choose Eight Credits of Applied Voice Electives MUA 101: Class Voice I (Fall)

MUA 151: Class Voice II (Spring) (Prereq: MUA 101)

MUA 201: Voice

MUA 202: Voice

MUA 301: Voice

MUA 402: Voice


Choose Eight Credits of Ensemble Electives MUE 111: Chapel Choir

MUE 121: Chorale

MUE 311: Chapel Choir MUE 321: Chorale


MUA 100: Recital Attendance (each semester)

MUA 491: Senior Recital

X = Met in General Education Course Work

GPA Requirements

2.75 Cumulative GPA required for admission to Teacher Education Program.
3.00 Professional GPA required for admission to Student Teaching & Teacher Certification.
3.00 Content GPA required for Student Teaching and Teacher Certification.

Other Program Requirements

Prior to enrolling in any upper division education (EDU courses) students must be accepted into the Teacher Education (TE) Program. Requirements of the TE Program are available in the Education office or at www.cofo.edu – Academic Programs, Education Application & Checklists.
Prior to Student Teaching, students must be accepted into the Student Teaching Program. Use the same procedures listed above to locate the requirements.

World Language – Spanish Education Major

College of the Ozarks (2024 – 2025)

Student Name:

                                 Student ID #: 


Advisor Name:




                    Expected Graduation:




General Education Courses


BIO, CHE, or PHY: 4 hours of Natural Science Course

(PHY 1004: Intro. to Physical Science recommended)

 HTY 253: American Experience
 BTS 103: Christian Worldview I CC 100: Character Camp
 BTS 4003: Christian Worldview II (Prereq. BTS 103 & 91 hrs) CC 10V: BASE Camp

ART 103: Exploration of the Visual Arts or MUS 103: Music or

DRM 103: Theatre



PAT 103: Patriotic Education I


CSC 113: Fundamentals of Computer Systems or LSC 213: Information Literacy or

Fulfilled by passing proficiency test



PAT 401: Patriotic Education II (Prereq. PAT 103)

 ENG 103: College Composition I 

PED 121: Swimming or

Pass Swimming Proficiency


ENG 163: Readings in Western Civilization

(Coreq: HTY 163 if possible)


PED 101: Lifetime Wellness

(Only if Swimming Proficiency is met by passing proficiency)

 ENG 253: American Rhetoric (Prereq: ENG 103) MAT 133: College Algebra

Choose One Western Civilization:

HTY 153: Western Civilization I

HTY 163: Western Civilization II (Coreq: ENG 163 if possible)

 PSY 273: Educational Psychology
 SPC 103: Public Speaking
Fine Arts Activities: Choose 1 course (3 credits)

ART: 113 Two Dimensional Design ART 123: Drawing I

DRM 113: Intro to Theatre Technology (Fall only)

DRM 163: Vocal Training for the Stage (Fall only)

DRM 173: Movement Training for the Stage (Spring only)

DRM 193: Dance Techniques I (Fall only)

OR: Three one-hour courses from Music Ensembles (MUE), or Class Piano, Class Voice, or Class Guitar
Professional Education Courses (C- or better required)
The following courses (200 level) can be taken prior to admission to the Teacher Education Program
 EDU 200: Introduction to Clinical Practice 

EDU 211: Classroom Participation

(Prereq: EDU 200 & EDU 201)


EDU 201: Classroom Observation

(Prereq: EDU 200 & Sophomore Status.)


EDU 213: The Call to Teach: An Intro to Teaching

(Prereq: Sophomore Status)

 EDU 203: Psychological Development of the Child & Adolescent (Prereq: PSY 273 Educational Psych)X

PSY 273: Educational Psychology

(General Ed Requirement)

The following courses (300-400 level) require admission to the Teacher Education Program
 EDU 303: Education of the Exceptional Learner EDU 423: Educational Assessment and Data- Based Decision Making

EDU 333: Analysis of Curric. & Methods of Teaching

(Prereq: EDU 211)


EDU 453: Trauma Sensitive Classroom Management

(Prereq: Senior Status)


EDU 353 Instructional Interventions (Prereq: EDU 333)

(Coreq: EDU 393 Methods of Teaching Literacy in Sec. Schools)


EDU 4102 Implementation of K-12 Best Practices

(Fall)(Prereq: EDU 353)(Coreq: EDU 4113 Best Practices in Teaching K-12 World Languages)

 EDU 393: Methods of Teaching Literacy in the Secondary School (Coreq: EDU 353 Instructional Interventions) 

EDU 4113: Best Practices Teaching World

Languages (Fall)(Coreq: EDU 4102 Implem. of K-12 Best Practices)

Admission to Student Teaching is required prior to taking the following courses

EDU 441: Classroom Leadership

(1 week of student teaching semester)


EDU 45V: Student Teaching

(13 weeks of student teaching semester)

Content Courses (C- or better required)

SPA 153: Elementary Spanish II

(Prereq: SPA 113 or SPA 123 or SPA 143)

 Choose Four (4) of the Following Spanish Electives
 SPA 203: Intermediate Spanish I (Fall)(Prereq. SPA 153)

SPA 303: Survey of Spanish Literature

(Occasionally offered)(Prereq: SPA 213)

 SPA 213: Intermediate Spanish II (Spring) (Prereq. SPA 203)

SPA 313 Survey of Spanish American Literature

(Occasionally offered) (Prereq: SPA 213)


SPA 353: Spanish Composition & Grammar

(Spring Even) (Prereq.: SPA 213)

SPA 323: Civilization of Spain (Spring odd) (Prereq: SPA 213)

SPA 373: Current Events & Conversation in Spanish

(Occ. offered) (Prereq: SPA 213)

SPA 333: Civilization of Latin America (Fall odd) (Prereq: SPA 213)
 SPA 453: Spanish Linguistics (Fall-even) (Prereq: SPA 213)SPA 343: Latinos in the US (Fall even) (Prereq: SPA 213)

X = Met in General Education Course Work

Required Collateral Course
 SPA 143: Elementary Spanish I
Suggested Course for Praxis Testing
 SPA 461: Spanish Skills Seminar (Offered Occasionally)

GPA Requirements

2.75 Cumulative GPA required for admission to Teacher Education Program.
3.00 Professional GPA required for admission to Student Teaching & Teacher Certification.
3.00 Content GPA required for Student Teaching and Teacher Certification.

Other Program Requirements

Prior to enrolling in any upper division education (EDU courses) students must be accepted into the Teacher Education (TE) Program. Requirements of the TE Program are available in the Education office or at www.cofo.edu – Academic Programs, Education Application & Checklists.
Prior to Student Teaching, students must be accepted into the Student Teaching Program. Use the same procedures listed above to locate the requirements.


Criminal Background Check

As part of the certification process by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), a criminal background check is required to be completed on each student completing the teacher education program.  Our students are required to obtain their background check prior to student teaching.  The background checks are valid for 12 months.  The service of performing background checks is currently contracted out to an independent firm, which has offices throughout the state of Missouri.  Specific procedures for procuring a background check may be found at Missouri Automated Criminal History System (MACHS).