3 students smiling at the camera
3 students smiling at the camera


4 Year Programs Icon Bachelor of Science Icon Presented by College of the Ozarks Icon

Welcome to the College of The Ozarks Psychology Department! The focus of our department is to prepare students to evaluate psychology concepts from a biblically-informed Christian Worldview, to be intelligent consumers of research, and to possess pre-professional knowledge and skills. A balanced curriculum brings together the theoretical and practical dimensions of psychology through experiential psychology courses and opportunities for community-based internships.





At College of the Ozarks, there are academic, vocational, and Christian, patriotic and cultural goals associated with our psychology degrees. The objectives for psychology majors include:

  • demonstrate practical working knowledge of the science and theoretical applications of psychology (Academic)
  • obtain a foundation in psychology sufficient for further professional training or graduate work in such fields as counseling, clinical psychology, public safety, social services, or school counseling (Vocational)
  • integrate psychological concepts with a Christian worldview in order to effectively incorporate faith in the human services field (Christian)
  • impact their local and global communities by applying practical skills and psychological knowledge to solving personal and societal issues (Patriotic)
  • evidence awareness of the influence of cultural backgrounds and experiences on the development of psychological processes (Cultural)








What can I do with a degree in psychology?

To learn more about your employment and education options, explore the following links.

The American Psychological Association

The Association for Psychological Science

The Christian Association for Psychological Studies

Psi Chi: The National Honor Society in Psychology

Graduate Schools

Are you unsure of how you can achieve the credentials you need in your goal of becoming a psychologist? Learn more about education options: