Two students performing on the stage
Two students performing on the stage


4 Year Programs Icon Bachelor of Arts Icon Presented by College of the Ozarks Icon

Upcoming Shows

The Theatre department offers three majors: Theatre, Music Theatre, and Speech & Theatre Education, as well as a Theatre minor.

Students who complete the degree requirements can expect to achieve the objectives of the program:

  • develop an appreciation for and knowledge of several areas of theatre including stage movement, vocal training, acting, dancing, stagecraft, design, directing, playwriting, theatre history, and script analysis (Academic);
  • acquire experience in performance and technical theatre and develop a strong work ethic that prepares them for postgraduate education or successful professional employment (Vocational);
  • recognize the human desire for creativity instilled by God and be able to apply a Christian worldview to the tasks of reading, writing, interpreting, and performing drama (Christian);
  • cultivate an appreciation for our nation's invaluable liberties, which are guaranteed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, particularly the freedom of expression available to those in the performing arts (Patriotic);
  • develop an appreciation for the performing arts, their collaborative processes, and their positive contributions in both historical and contemporary society (Cultural). 

The Theatre department produces four productions per year including at least one major musical, which is usually presented in the spring. All students are welcome to participate in these productions. There are many opportunities for students to become actively involved in all aspects of the art of theatre, including acting, singing, dancing, directing, choreography, sound and light design, stage management, costuming, and makeup.


In addition to the main stage productions presented in the Jones Auditorium, student directors present a number of showcase productions in the intimate James L. Meikle Crossover Theatre. Participation in the Theatre program is open to all students on either a voluntary or credit-hour basis.






The College of the Ozarks Theatre program emphasizes preparation for graduate school and professional experiences. Career choices open to a theatre graduate include professional stage work, backstage production work, theatre management, radio, television, and film.

Located just a few miles south of Branson, Missouri, the department is easily accessible to over 40 professional theatres, providing many internships and related work opportunities.


Work Program


                2025 Spring Shows

February 9 at 4:00 p.m. Student Directing Projects    

February 16 at 4:00 p.m. Student Directing Projects

MARCH 1 at 7:30 p.m. FAILURE: A LOVE STORY   (Reservations recommended)

MARCH 2 at 2:30 p.m. FAILURE: A LOVE STORY   (Reservations recommended)

MARCH 3 at 7:30 p.m.  FAILURE: A LOVE STORY STUDENT CONVO (not open to the public)

MARCH 4 at 7:30 p.m. FAILURE: A LOVE STORY   (Reservations recommended)